Just had my first contact with a DIRT member, and want to confirm all the great things I've been hearing about them for years.
After getting many 05 errors for recordings on my original Hopper, Dish sent a replacement. In the week or so I've had it, I started getting 05 errors with
it. Called Dish yesterday, and a tech is coming this afternoon to check wires, signal, etc., since there must be more going on here than bad DVRs. While setting that up, I decided to switch to the HWS, for the $100 upgrade fee. No mention that the fee was being dropped today, which is understandable, but not surprising.
was surprising was finding this thread today. Yeah, should've been checking something other than the Song Name Game thread!

Didn't really have any expectations, but contacted DIRT member ZachS, just on the off-chance. WOW! Should've done that to begin with! Within seconds, I had a reply, and, within a couple of PMs, he told me he'd gotten the fee waived!
Thanks, again, Zach - you're
great! :clap