HI!! My name is Mike but my friends gave me the nic of MaD MiKe due tot he propensity to complete all my projects and search for knowledge with the resolve of a pit bull.. So begins my quest...
I am in the process of upgrading to HDTV so after having DN for over 9 years this will be my media provider, but in reading a few threads in this group I see they aren't playing good ball..
I have to admit my local DN provider has been very good in keeping me updated and not absorbing all my money for the latest and greatest so now I am patiently waiting for the MPEG4 receivers and DVRs "if this will be my best gateway into true HDTV"... I have currently installed an OTA directional VHF/UHF antenna in the attic, it goes on the roof this coming summer, to experiment with receiving a better quality VHF SD signal for my current SD tvs and this seems to be the best for me at this point in time plus I'm rady for OTA HDTV...
My plans for the first HDTV will be the Sony KD-34XBR960 as it seems to be the most economical and precise way to receive quality HDTV at the present, but a plasma will be in the future ...
I thank you flok for keepint the mass'es informed of the latest and greatest and I will be having a few questions at a later time... Keep up the good work!!
I am in the process of upgrading to HDTV so after having DN for over 9 years this will be my media provider, but in reading a few threads in this group I see they aren't playing good ball..

My plans for the first HDTV will be the Sony KD-34XBR960 as it seems to be the most economical and precise way to receive quality HDTV at the present, but a plasma will be in the future ...
I thank you flok for keepint the mass'es informed of the latest and greatest and I will be having a few questions at a later time... Keep up the good work!!