New Terror Laws Used Vs. Common Criminals

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 11, 2003

"By DAVID B. CARUSO, Associated Press Writer

PHILADELPHIA - In the two years since law enforcement agencies gained fresh powers to help them track down and punish terrorists, police and prosecutors have increasingly turned the force of the new laws not on al-Qaida cells but on people charged with common crimes."

Do any of you remember Ashcroft and the media saying that the Patriot Act would never be used against the American people? I do and this story proves that they're liars!

"The Justice Department (news - web sites) said it has used authority given to it by the USA Patriot Act to crack down on currency smugglers and seize money hidden overseas by alleged bookies, con artists and drug dealers.

Federal prosecutors used the act in June to file a charge of "terrorism using a weapon of mass destruction" against a California man after a pipe bomb exploded in his lap, wounding him as he sat in his car."

I can see prosecuting this man but for using a "Weapon of mass destruction?"

"A North Carolina county prosecutor charged a man accused of running a methamphetamine lab with breaking a new state law barring the manufacture of chemical weapons. If convicted, Martin Dwayne Miller could get 12 years to life in prison for a crime that usually brings about six months.

Prosecutor Jerry Wilson says he isn't abusing the law, which defines chemical weapons of mass destruction as "any substance that is designed or has the capability to cause death or serious injury" and contains toxic chemicals. "

"Civil liberties and legal defense groups are bothered by the string of cases, and say the government soon will be routinely using harsh anti-terrorism laws against run-of-the-mill lawbreakers.

"Within six months of passing the Patriot Act, the Justice Department was conducting seminars on how to stretch the new wiretapping provisions to extend them beyond terror cases," said Dan Dodson, a spokesman for the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys. "They say they want the Patriot Act to fight terrorism, then, within six months, they are teaching their people how to use it on ordinary citizens."

And Ashcroft and the media told you it was to fight terrorism and would never be used on Americans. I told you so on

"The law, passed two months after the Sept. 11 attacks, erased many restrictions that had barred the government from spying on its citizens, granting agents new powers to use wiretaps, conduct electronic and computer eavesdropping and access private financial data.

Stefan Cassella, deputy chief for legal policy for the Justice Department's asset forfeiture and money laundering section, said that while the Patriot Act's primary focus was on terrorism, lawmakers were aware it contained provisions that had been on prosecutors' wish lists for years and would be used in a wide variety of cases.

In one case prosecuted this year, investigators used a provision of the Patriot Act to recover $4.5 million from a group of telemarketers accused of tricking elderly U.S. citizens into thinking they had won the Canadian lottery. Prosecutors said the defendants told victims they would receive their prize as soon as they paid thousands of dollars in income tax on their winnings."

Let's take a look at this lie:

"Stefan Cassella, deputy chief for legal policy for the Justice Department's asset forfeiture and money laundering section, said that while the Patriot Act's primary focus was on terrorism, lawmakers were aware it contained provisions that had been on prosecutors' wish lists for years and would be used in a wide variety of cases."

Not one member of Congress read the bill who didn't write it according to Rep. Ron Paul. And the Bush admin seen to it by mailing Anthrax through the mail. This bill was passed while the Congrees was closed due to the CIA Anthrax attack which Bush was proven to be on Cippro on 9/10/01 by the AP report which was 6 weeks before the first Anthrax report in Florida.

Read more about it at the URL provided. This government has more than enough power to fight terrorism. The problem is that they don't want to provide the evidence to a judge to get a warrent which should scare the hell out of you since they're after Nazi-like powers.
"Within six months of passing the Patriot Act, the Justice Department was conducting seminars on how to stretch the new wiretapping provisions to extend them beyond terror cases,"

Within six months of getting these new dictatorship laws, the Ashcroft Justice Department began educating its investigators how to stretch their efforts beyond the new laws so they could start using them against ordinary Americans. YOU are the target, just as I have been stating all along.

Wake up or Waco!




Notice how the twin towers are now smaller than the Empire State building which makes the Empire State building the tallest in NYC once again and check out the evil face that makes up the smoke overhead.
These cards are from the card game: Illuminati NWO which was produced back in 1995 or so. Prior knowledge?
If so then the Tower that holds Big Ben will go in the future.

Russia is selling their own version as well. Saw it on CNN today.
They don't have captions that I saw, but just characture drawing of people in Bush's government wearing royal robes and looking dumb.

The reason why it was funny is because those twits on CNN were acting like it was actually a compliment and that the Russian company was doing it out of admiration. They didn't seem to get it at all.
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