New Subscriber 811 Deal


To clarify - Is this available only as part of the DHP plan or is it available as part of the Free Dish plan as well? If both, do you know the terms of each? Thanks.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Ok I got some clarification on things...

Here is whats available on DHP from the DishStore.NET your cost $39.95 and you get a $49.95 credit on your first months Dish Network Bill

I'm very interested in the NON-DHP plan with the free 811, as I after I got to doing the math on staying with DirecTV, new triple LNB dish ($99), coax cable from Home Depot (not too expensive), DirecTV Hi-Def receiver ($$$), whereas I can get an 811, 301 and SuperDISH for free, and then pick up a 508 off the Dish Store or Ebay one, and then if I don't like Dish, or want my locals in HD IF DirecTV uses the Spaceway satellites for that, then I can switch back and sell my receivers on Ebay, and almost pay for my new equipment. Unfortunately, I got some bills to pay off first...dagnabbit!! Pardon my Canadian! ;)

Why do they need a Social Security Number (at one of the links posted in this thread)?
I'm nervous about identity theft...
OK, can someone explain to me why I'd pick Digital Home Plan (and have to give the stuff back after 1 year) over the "free" 1 year committment plan that's being offered for new customers?
(I have cable - ready to switch...)
I think you should NOT! Go with Free Dish promo where you can get 811 and 301 for free (yours to keep unlike DHP). On DHP plan you need to pay $5 per receiver. It adds up quickly.

It is NOT $5 per receiver. It is $5 per account.

And its not a rental fee - it is a 'maintenance fee'. So you are paying a $5 protection plan and never owning the equipment - but if something goes wrong with it in the next 1,2,3 years (as long as you are on DHP), it is Dish's problem, not yours. Under the other scenario if your 811 dies 13 months from now - you aren't a new subscriber, you aren't covered - so kiss $399 goodbye to replace it.

BudShark said:
It is NOT $5 per receiver. It is $5 per account.

And its not a rental fee - it is a 'maintenance fee'. So you are paying a $5 protection plan and never owning the equipment - but if something goes wrong with it in the next 1,2,3 years (as long as you are on DHP), it is Dish's problem, not yours. Under the other scenario if your 811 dies 13 months from now - you aren't a new subscriber, you aren't covered - so kiss $399 goodbye to replace it.


Well, since you will be getting 811 for free (Free DISH promo), there is nothing to kiss goodbye. But you are right. Under DHP you have that security. But on the other hand, you also would have that satisfaction of owning the equipment under Free DISH promo which you can sell it on ebay after one year comittment for at least $300 and jump to D*. :twisted:

BudShark said:
It is NOT $5 per receiver. It is $5 per account.

And its not a rental fee - it is a 'maintenance fee'. So you are paying a $5 protection plan and never owning the equipment - but if something goes wrong with it in the next 1,2,3 years (as long as you are on DHP), it is Dish's problem, not yours. Under the other scenario if your 811 dies 13 months from now - you aren't a new subscriber, you aren't covered - so kiss $399 goodbye to replace it.


Isn't there some other protection plan for about 2 or 3 dollars that anyone can get? If so, do the NON DHP plan and add the protection plan. The best of both worlds - you own it so you can sell it later (if you want) AND if it dies 13 months later, it's covered.
The insurance plan for non DHP customers $1.99 a month and covers all your receivers, switches, and LNB's but you have to pay for shipping. I have it and it already saved me on a 501 that lost its signal I just had to pay $15.00 shipping and they sent me a remanufactured one. They do have a $5.00 a month insurance plan that will cover shipping too but I dont think it would be worth it.
MikeHDTulsa said:
The insurance plan for non DHP customers $1.99 a month and covers all your receivers, switches, and LNB's but you have to pay for shipping.

That is the first i have ever heard about an insurance plan? Why does E* keep this a secret. I think with all the DVRs and HD hardware coming out, this would be a great way to protect your investment. I presume the CS reps would know about this if i called in and asked them about it.
Be careful when you buy these certificates (for Dish receivers and installation) because you are going to be exposed to the worse installation network on planet earth! That being Dish Network's DNSC which is a fleet of $10 a hour installers whos ability is far from professional in most cases. As a Dish retailer we do plenty of re-installtions for customers who had a hack job done by DNSC and it is just unbelievable how bad a installation job is done by some of these jokers! There are a few good DNSC installers but I would HIGHLY recommend if you are going to get a certificate Dish system that you beforehand ask the installer to show you where he is installing the dish and where the cable runs will go. Watch them like a hawk and be sure the cable runs are neatly done, grounding is done correctly, the dish (if installed on the roof) is mounted using appropriate lag bolts and sealed with silicone correctly. A correctly done install should be one where there is a minumum of cable showing and all the cabling is neatly run in straight lines that contour to your homes outside, grounding should be done on the dish, and all cable runs off the dish, drip loops must be done right before the cabling enters the home, you should have a 90+ signal (most will get 100-110+) on a majority of transponders (there are some lower power ones like spot beams or low power regular transponders that will have 20 or so less signal but that's normal). Use transponder 11 as a test (for 119 & 110) as it is one of the highest powered transponders. The installer should go through the operation of the system with you and when you are satified then you can pay (or sign off) on the installer's work. If you are NOT satified with the install contact Dish at that time and refuse to pay (or sign off) on the install until it's done right.
fslove said:
Be careful when you buy these certificates (for Dish receivers and installation) because you are going to be exposed to the worse installation network on planet earth! That being Dish Network's DNSC which is a fleet of $10 a hour installers whos ability is far from professional in most cases. As a Dish retailer we do plenty of re-installtions for customers who had a hack job done by DNSC and it is just unbelievable how bad a installation job is done by some of these jokers!
So, can you suggest how do we find a good Dish retailer/installer?
it is just unbelievable how bad a installation job is done by some of these jokers!

Thats the key sentance there, a bad installation is done by SOME of those jokers.

I will agree I have seen some really bad DSNC install jobs.

Luckily here at SatelliteGuys.US we are read closely by Dish Network, if you did order a DHP or FREE Dish from us and DSNC did a hack job install we want you to take pictures of it and complaign about it here, because I can assure you Dish Network will make sure you get fixed ASAP. :)

Speaking of which all the new DHP and FREE Dish offers are now available at :D
jdh62 said:
fslove said:
Be careful when you buy these certificates (for Dish receivers and installation) because you are going to be exposed to the worse installation network on planet earth! That being Dish Network's DNSC which is a fleet of $10 a hour installers whos ability is far from professional in most cases. As a Dish retailer we do plenty of re-installtions for customers who had a hack job done by DNSC and it is just unbelievable how bad a installation job is done by some of these jokers!
So, can you suggest how do we find a good Dish retailer/installer?
You can find a local retailer/installer by going to Dish's website and click on "locate a retailer up at the top of the page.

Unfortunately, if you buy a certificate/system from somewhere else a local retailer will probably NOT do the install for you as they would need to charge you $199 or so for the install for it to be worth their time. If the system is bought from the local retailer they make money off the install and other commissions/residuals.

Also, another advantage of buying from a local retailer is they have THEIR company's name to keep up so they have a vested interest in being sure the install and service is done correctly. Also if anything goes wrong they can service/swap out equipment for you right away as opposed to buying online where you will have to wait for Dish to get around to getting one of their DNSC guys out to check the problem or if a product need swapping out you have to wait for Dish to ship you out a replacement.
Scott Greczkowski said:
it is just unbelievable how bad a installation job is done by some of these jokers!

Thats the key sentance there, a bad installation is done by SOME of those jokers.

I will agree I have seen some really bad DSNC install jobs.

Luckily here at SatelliteGuys.US we are read closely by Dish Network, if you did order a DHP or FREE Dish from us and DSNC did a hack job install we want you to take pictures of it and complaign about it here, because I can assure you Dish Network will make sure you get fixed ASAP. :)

Speaking of which all the new DHP and FREE Dish offers are now available at :D
I am hoping you want the truth to be told here on your forum and that is why I am warning people about the problems with DNSC's installers.

Unfortunatly, it doesn't matter what kind of relationship you have with Dish when it comes to who goes out from a regional DNSC office to install systems. It's just a matter of whos number comes up when a install is assigned.

As for the "SOME" word I will say with total confidence that 75% of the installers from DNSC will do a sub-standard installs as opposed to maybe 5% of local retailer's installers.

Dish Network 6000 and component video

720p or 1080i
