Well, I still owe ChadT41 a one-year pub membership next year, from my earlier bet with him. (HipKat covered the first year of ChadT41's Pub Membership, since HipKat also jumped in on that bet. Also, it was HipKat who originally provided the information about why the Joey 3 and 4K Joey would not support Amazon Prime, which later turned out to be incorrect. So, it is only fair that he pay first.) So, how about a one-year Pub Membership, with a deadline of December 31, 2021? If I am right (Amazon Prime comes to Hopper Duo first) then you pay for ChadT41's Pub Membership next year. If you are right (Home Media returns first) then I owe you a Pub Membership. If neither one happens, then it is a push, no win and no loss.