New Satellite Tax in Illinois?


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Dec 27, 2007
Chicago, IL
Is there anyone in Illinois who has received their first bill for 2024? I just received an email for my January 6 to Feb 6 2024 bill and noticed that Dish has a new sales tax line item that was never on there before. (I pulled up my previous 4 bills just to make sure I wasn't crazy!) I am not aware of Illinois passing a new tax on satellite TV service. I did a Google search for new taxes in 2024, and I am not coming across anything that is a satellite tax. Curious if anyone has any idea on what new law was passed?
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Is there anyone in Illinois who has received their first bill for 2024? I just received an email for my January 6 to Feb 6 2024 bill and noticed that Dish has a new sales tax line item that was never on there before. (I pulled up my previous 4 bills just to make sure I wasn't crazy!) I am not aware of Illinois passing a new tax on satellite TV service. I did a Google search for new taxes in 2024, and I am not coming across anything that is a satellite tax. Curious if anyone has any idea on what new law was passed?
I don't see it on my Illinois bill dated 01/06-2024 - 02/05/2024. The only extra I see is the FCC $0.11 surcharge. Maybe the county has something to do with it. I live in St Clair county about 15 miles east of St Louis.
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I'll bet it's a local amusment tax. They have that in Illinois. Not every locality would have it.
Really? That is interesting. I wonder if that is the case. I am in DuPage county, about 30 miles west of Chicago - I will have to dig to see.

And yes, my line item is also "State/Local Tax (Sales)". It is such a small percentage of the bill though. Nowhere near the county + state sales tax, which is around 8% here in DuPage county.

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Is this the only TV Tax the state has?

Here in Florida, it is about 11.5%, 7% to the state, 6.5% to the County.

Does not matter if it is Traditional or Streaming, over all video services.
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Is this the only TV Tax the state has?

Here in Florida, it is about 11.5%, 7% to the state, 6.5% to the County.

Does not matter if it is Traditional or Streaming, over all video services.
As long as I can remember, Illinois has always taxed cable TV and U-Verse, but treated satellite differently because there were no poles, cables, or other utilities that the cities or state had to maintain. Chicago instituted a "Netflix tax" of 9% on streaming services in 2015, and other areas have done similar things.

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