Arlo, installed the app and did get a list like you show. Shows MAC as 28-57-67-8B-A5-36 green light is on. Then the next line is Dish again with slightly different IP address and unknown computer name and different Mac address.
Let's establish a few hard rules.
Every device you will ever see has it's own factory assigned MAC address.
IF you buy your own cable modem, DSL modem. The ISP needs to know the MAC address to "provision" it for your account.
Any device connected to the router on that modem will have a local IP address assigned to it IF the device is set to get an IP address automatically (DHCP) from the router.
I do not understand you stating:
Shows MAC as 28-57-67-8B-A5-36 green light is on. Then the next line is Dish again with slightly different IP address and unknown computer name and different Mac address
In your satellite receiver Somewhere in the network setup/diagnostic screens or in an About the receiver screen....
You Will find a MAC address. I want to know that.
I want to know IF you see it also in wakemeonlan. Do you? And is the IP address in the same "scope" of the other addresses?
I need to know if the receivers IP address is in the same IP range you see for devices listed in wakemeonlan.
Example: In my screen shot is my Amazon Fire TV.
See that every device starts with 192.168.5.XXX. The XXX being unique.
You may see the addresses as 192.168.1.XXX or as you see in Bobby's screen shot......
HIS home network is 10.0.0.XXX. His XXX number for his receiver is 248. His pc may get, printer may get
Those numbers are assigned BY HIS ROUTER. IF THEY ARE SET TO GET AN IP ADDRESS Automatically.
Please grab a screen shot(s) of what you currently have. And post them.
Please pull the Ethernet cable. Perform a network reset. Cold boot the router. Shut that sucker down. Before powering it up, plug the cable back in.
The manual for your And the networking guide I'm directed
But networking functions are easy.
We just need to speak the same lingo.
Screen shots of everything please.
hold the alt key and then press prt screen key. paste it in here.