One other thing that will help those who live out in the middle of nowhere. I hadn't heard anything about it for a while, but apparently AT&T is pretty close to deploying AirGig. That will basically allow for a mini-base station anywhere there are power lines, so anyone who has electricity would theoretically be able to get internet. It is apparently very cheap to run (they think they will be able to install the necessary hardware by drone eventually so no one has to climb the pole)
The gotcha is that the devices clamp onto power lines (though the data doesn't actually run through the lines, but uses them as a waveguide and travels through the air surrounding them) so they would need the permission of the electric utility. Which means a lot of legal headache, since rural areas often have small cooperatives that own/operate the power lines. It will probably have to come from the customers telling the utility to talk to AT&T, rather than AT&T trying to track them down. If they can get enough customers together, it would probably be worth it for AT&T to install.