New PVR 510 - faulty playback on recordings and VOD


New Member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2004
Hi, I've been reading your forum for the last month and must compliment all of the great information posted!!!

I did the free PVR 510 deal and received the new receiver last week. All seemed to work great until last night. When I tried to play back some movies I recorded over the week, the 510 started to freeze periodically and the sound dropped in and out. I tried the following:

- Unplugged the 510 for over a minute and restarted -> same problem

- Held down the power button for over 5 seconds -> same problem

- Removed the smart card - reinstalled -> same problem

When the 510 starts to freeze you can hear the HD stumbling to find info.

I called the tech support group but only got to the front lines, which basically said that "if any of the recording are corrupted, then they are all corrupted" and recommended that I delete all recordings and repeat the ritual listed above. I did, and still had the same problem, but this time it occurred with the VOD playback (after pause - or rewind from live TV).

Called back Tech Service and they said the recording problem should not affect the VOD playback. After 20 minutes of mindless voodoo they agreed to send me a new 510. They said its probably the hard drive.

Has anyone had this problem? Is there a fix for this - any way to reformat the HD without removing from the system?

Thanks in advance ..... Bob
Lots of 501 customers had your problem. In the early days of PVR/DVR hard drive failure was very common some customers had 4 & 5 replacement receivers before they got working hard drives. You have taken the only route available. If you aren't on DHP buy the extended warranty for $1.99/Mo. in your 11th month of ownership so you will have continous protection.
Follow-up to post

Hi to all,

As a follow-up to my post, I received replacement 510 very quickly from Dish. Thus far it is excellent! Huge difference to the faulty unit with excellent playback quality (no drop outs or control glitches).

It appears that I received a new 510. Is there anyway to tell if it is a refurb unit? Regardless, all is well thus far.


boba said:
Lots of 501 customers had your problem. In the early days of PVR/DVR hard drive failure was very common some customers had 4 & 5 replacement receivers before they got working hard drives. You have taken the only route available. If you aren't on DHP buy the extended warranty for $1.99/Mo. in your 11th month of ownership so you will have continous protection.

How long is the inital warranty period on the 510? Is it smarter to go w/ the free eqiupment now or rent via the DHP?
Snowcone said:
How long is the inital warranty period on the 510? Is it smarter to go w/ the free eqiupment now or rent via the DHP?
As of Feb. 1 DHP becomes DHA and the service contract is dropped. You will have to pay an extra $5.99/Mo. for the service contract that used to be standard in DHP.
boba said:
As of Feb. 1 DHP becomes DHA and the service contract is dropped. You will have to pay an extra $5.99/Mo. for the service contract that used to be standard in DHP.

So it is smarter to get the free equipment and pay the $2/month for warranty.
RNA said:
Hi to all,

As a follow-up to my post, I received replacement 510 very quickly from Dish. Thus far it is excellent! Huge difference to the faulty unit with excellent playback quality (no drop outs or control glitches).

It appears that I received a new 510. Is there anyway to tell if it is a refurb unit? Regardless, all is well thus far.



If the serial number starts with an "R", you have a new unit. If it starts with anything else, like "W, C, Y", it is a refurb. The serial number is mostly letters with a few numbers toward the end (not R00...)
Snowcone said:
So it is smarter to get the free equipment and pay the $2/month for warranty.

No, not necessarily. The only way to get the 522/322 receivers without buying them at full price is on DHA. That is the only way you can get 2 receivers and "free" local channels for $29.99. If you own the equip., you would pay $34.98 for the same package.
Mainstreet said:
No, not necessarily. The only way to get the 522/322 receivers without buying them at full price is on DHA. That is the only way you can get 2 receivers and "free" local channels for $29.99. If you own the equip., you would pay $34.98 for the same package.

According to this, which starts Feb 1, you can get America's Top 60 + Local channels for $29.99 in addition to a free 3 room system w/ a HD or DVR upgrade for free.

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What do I need for a 921?

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