Just got a phone call from an unknown number wanting to send a Cardiovascular screening test to me assuring that Medicare would pay for it. But in the course of the conversation and their unwillingness to tell me who ordered it done, they soon hung up. The thing that rang my alarm was when they tried to get me to give them info to confirm, the first thing they did was try to verify my address. The address they gave was a very old address that none of my Doctors would have used. I didn't verify and started my own questions and that quickly ended the conversation.
So I checked about this, seems it is a known scam with potential heavy financial impact. Here's the link to a story about it:
So I checked about this, seems it is a known scam with potential heavy financial impact. Here's the link to a story about it:

SMP Sees Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Used in New Fraud Trend
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