New Mini-BUD C-Band Install (It Can Be Done!)* Part 2

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@Jason S, thank you for the positive words. I thought this time around, I would post a ton of pics for someone wanting to know how to set up the dish system themselves. :-)
@Primestar, I am still working with my wife to give FTA a fair shake. She said she might maybe watch MeTV sometime off C-Band. Maybe if my next experiment goes well, I can hopefully bring in Horse Racing for my wife to watch on Galaxy 17 C-Band! Lol! :-D

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Congratulations on getting it set up and working. Your wife might also enjoy the programming on COZI too. She might even soften up and let you get something bigger for the yard.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Thank you bpalone! I would definitely enjoy the C-Band programming more if it wasn't so cloudy. If it's thick cloud cover and rain, it washes out a lot of the chamnels. She doesn't want anything bigger in the yard, if we can't get it, she will find something else to watch. :-)

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By the way I wanted to try and clarify that I did not use the two 3"OD U-Bolts that came with the dish hardware, they were too big. I instead used the three 2.5"OD U-Bolts I bought at Lowes earlier. They fit and secure around the pole much better. I kept the original two 3"OD U-Bolts in case I need them for something else someday. :-)

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@Corrado, thank you so much for the supportive encouraging words. I am enjoying it alot, I just have to go back up this weekend and devise a way to keep all the rainwater out of the LNB. I have too see if it still works too. :-)

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@scott, thank you very much Scott. You have confirmed my point too, when things don't go quite to plan, a Clear Thinking Person merely adapts and works with what's available around him/her; which still turned out great like you just said. :-)

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I don't have time to look up the thread, but is about Mini Buds.. In it there is a picture of a feed horn with a cover on it for a mini bud. I think it was a danistheman post, but would want bet on it. Any way, go look for that thread, it sticks to my mind that it something like cottage cheese lid.

Just quick thoughts.
@bpalone, your correct, it's Dan's thread about the feed horn cover. I talked to him the other day on the phone, he told me all about it. Definitely a weekend project I will be working on! :-)

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Danristheman, I was just trying to help Christopher out in case he hadn't seen the picture or thread. I have an eight foot dish for C so if I tried the mini-bud it would be for experimentation purposes.

Christopher, I hope it survived as well. Good luck.
@pbalone, I hope so too! If not, I will buy another, if not two if my next science experiment goes well enough to plan; which will be on another thread in this discussion group. :-) I may end up buying another C-Band LNB anyway from Titanium's site, just to start again fresh out of the box having it protected. :-)

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I have 3 offset 6' dishes retrofitted to C band here and due to the upward facing prime focus LNBFs i use, I simply cover the entire feed assembly with a heavy plastic bag. Not the prettiest but effective for keeping the rain and snow out of the electronics and connections.

I wish someone market a weatherproof solution for this type of installation without the vent holes in the end cap the way the ku band models have.
@Corrado, I was thinking the same thing the other day. :-) maybe I could charge $5 plus shipping for a plastic cover I could get made by a company. Nothing wrong with a little side income. :-)

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Don't want to micro-manage your install; but in the case where the LNBF is tilted upwards in an offset type mount, I would rotate the LNBF 180 degrees to place the electronics on top. A cover will keep out the direct rain and creepy crawlies, but condensation may still collect in the feedhorn. Since the feedhorn is not sealed, the breather holes are necessary to minimize condensation. I also drilled a small drain hole in the back bottom of the feedhorn after I determined the optimized skew setting.

Use RainX or Rain Shield on the feedhorn covers to bead and quickly shed rain. Streaming water on the feedhorn cover will quickly wipe out satellite reception during even a mild rainfall.
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@Titanium, that's sounds like some good solutions, thanks! You designed and made the LNB, so you would know a little more as to what would work or not. Any chance I can order my next two LNB's from you in a dark blue metallic color and a red jewel tint coat metallic colors? :-) those LNB'S come out of the box like they came from a high dollar body shop! Almost a shame to put them in the elements. I will definitely look into your ideas while I am working on it, I was thinking of drilling a hole too in the back, but was afraid to. :-)

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Correct, the electronics are under the heat sink.

No alternate LNBF colors, sorry. Like the idea! :D

Also, not often mentioned.... water collecting in the scalar rings will also degrade the signal quality.
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