1st off hello every1. i just got my voom installed 3 days ago. the installer kinda didnt kno much what he was doing but he got it all in werking order, he installed the satallite and i installed the reciever LOL... anyways so far im still a little dissappointed in the HD . i own a 50" panasonic lcd TV and the reciever is connected through DVI and i've watched a dvd that were more clear then the HD programming? isnt HDTV suppose to be 6x greater then dvd? or is their commecial wronge?
Also do diffrent HD shows come in diffrent modes like 1080i or 720i and does it auto adjust it? Other then that the Voom still wins over cable but dont kno if its worth what its cut out to be.
Also do diffrent HD shows come in diffrent modes like 1080i or 720i and does it auto adjust it? Other then that the Voom still wins over cable but dont kno if its worth what its cut out to be.