I'm sorry you feel that way. Its the principle of the matter. Maybe the guys working on Map Master should stop based on what you're saying and you should stop asking for free things. Nothing is free in this life even FTA, so maybe we should start valuing what these guys are doing. I do and $14.20 isn't going to make my life any easier, but if we all put in $14.20 in then maybe it will make Map Master the easier to finish. Lets see 10,000 plus c-band subscriber, even if 1000 donate $14 that's $14,000. And $12.99 a mouth for H2Hs is not going to brake me ether, if it will make Comcast think about putting up more channels. I also sent a request to Comcast on there web contacts for more channels, its worth the effort. If it is not then tvropro and the rest the those working on Map Master need to stop and we all need to turn off the 4DTVs for ever and submit to pizza dishes and the likes.
I said I was an out of work carpenter, not out of work. Just because I no longer work as a carpenter doesn't mean I no longer work. You need to read. Those of us who work for our selves or self employed can never have unemployment insurance. You have to be an employee to get that.
Jon Q. Publik
Resistance is not futile, what's futile is non-resistance.
Live Free or Die! Because if you are not free you’re dead already!
This is the FREE WE need to be worried about!