Just installed last weekend and installer took longer than I thought would take but was very professional and I was happy with install. The house is a new construction. Thinking ahead about video streaming such as Netflix, I had builder put an ethernet port at same location as coax connection. I did not have internet yet at time of install so I had not bothered connection my router to get the ethernet network going. The multiroom DVR was working okay until I decided to connect 1 of my 2 DVRs to the network today so the VOD could work. Now the other rooms (1 DVR and 4 HD boxes) do not see the recorded shows on the box that has ethernet connected. If I connect one of the other boxes to the network then it is able to see content. This tells me that if I want VOD on the 2 DVR boxes and also want to be able to view recorded shows on HD boxes that I have to buy a switch for each room (line for PC and line for Directv box)?