New Hopper?

There have been some great ideas for an upgraded Hopper presented so far. I would be happy with many of them as long as they are selectable as options.. I would like to see the Hopper become as wireless as possible. The technology is available for wireless AC. How about replacing Moca with wireless router WIFI like connections between HWSs, super Joeys and Joeys. Imagine new installs or upgrades without the need for rewiring. I saw a demonstration of wireless HDMI using a router and another using Bluetooth. There are 2 or 3 other ways to get wireless HDMI. A standard is needed. The space behind my home theater system is a wiring nightmare that would be helped with a wireless Dish system.
I want to test on a 222 or 722... I have been told that you can take a remote antenna on both ends and get wireless tv2 picture without the need of coax. If the case, that would be awesome.
10-12 useable tuners with another 2-4 to do PTAT not only on the "big 4" but also on another set of channels that you can choose.
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10-12 useable tuners with another 2-4 to do PTAT not only on the "big 4" but also on another set of channels that you can choose.
Would that set have to come from the same satellite and transponder as PTAT does now(That is how they are able to offer that)

Here is a good one. Not just PTAT for the Big4, but PTAT for all of ones locals, with the option to remove channels(the spanish ones in non spanish speaking houses). I would love to add in my CW to PTAT.
Apple TV Partnership.
I predict that since Apple can not get into the business that they will partner with Dish.
The new Hopper will be a what it is today, PLUS an Apple TV server.
There will be a new app on the Apple TV that came out today that will integrate with the Hopper allowing you to get all live and recorded shows.
This will be done by using your home Network similar to how the Dish app works today but in 1080p on the Apple TV and better with Siri search
The new Hopper will have 6 tuners to support this and faster Wireless support for the apple tv

I will call it the new Hopper Server.

PS it will also work with Roku.
SO- Whatcha drinkin/smokin?


THAT would be a REAL shocker!
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I would prefer nothing Apple. No reason to put exclusive materials into something that's mentioned for the entire general public.

Tv manufacturers can do whatever they want since there are many to choose from.
There is only one DISH Network.

If I'm forced to use APPLE, I would certainly leave. Lol!

You guys say how cheap DISH is verses Directv , well that would go right out the window, since APPLE is like the biggest "money grab" company out there.
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My design would have six tuners, PTAT for all locals including The CW and PBS. Also it would have HDMI-in, so the Hopper could control OTT boxes like Roku, AppleTV or Fire TV. This way you won't be limited on apps and can always get a new OTT box to stay current. No need to include apps in the dvr that won't age well since companies recycle them with many customers during the box's long lifetime.
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PTAT for networks like PBS, CW, etc should be possible today. They're likely not enabled because not every market has them. I know that not every market has the Big 4 but I suspect most do.
If you'll look at the transponder maps, not all CW, MY, and PBS are on the same transponder as the Big 4 in every market, so that is also part of the reason, the receiver couldn't just use one tuner in those markets.
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Definitely more tuners, But no monthly price increase either.
Better Joey function.
Maybe a little smaller in size.

Also an easy way to hook up a 3 or 4 Hopper system.
So I would like to see something better then a Duo node and and the DPP44 that has to be incorporated currently.

Maybe I'm wrong, but still haven't seen official installation diagrams from Dish for 3 or more hopper systems.
I've seen pictures of the actual configuration at a customer's house enough to understand how it's done, but not actual diagrams.

And you can still add the 211 to this.
1) Fix the bugs and long-standing missing features on the current Hopper before releasing yet another box that promises features that take years to implement.

2) Unlike most on this site, I think the basic 3-tuner Hopper we have now is about right for 80% of the customers. I don't want to see the cost of the basic receiver burdened with 6, 8, 10 or 12 tuners. Architect the system for expandability. Maybe a 2-3 tuner add-on box to the basic receiver (like a super SuperJoey but without the odd cabling requirements). The challenge is to not burden a 3-tuner system with the expense of expandability. A better way to get signals from the dish to the receivers (tuners) is needed. If you want more than 6 tuners, you need multiple DPP44 switches followed by nodes with MOCA interconnects, ...

3) Give us true multiple receiver integration. By that I mean the ability to add tuners to the base system without having to switch to a different receiver. This is much like they did with Super Joey and what many of us thought "integration" was going to be before Hopper was released. I don't care which tuner is used for which program or which receiver records it or which receiver I play a program off of if I'm on a Joey in another room. Some of this exists now, but it's incomplete. I know some people are happy with the way things are now so maybe this level of integration needs to be an option.

4) Having lost my share of receivers due to hard drive and other circuitry failure, a different mechanism is needed for DVR storage. The user should be able to remove the hard drive from the receiver, so when you replace the receiver for circuitry failure you don't loose the DVR content. Hard drive redundancy should be an option (e.g, RAID). Based on the number of hard drive failures people report on this forum, higher reliability drives should be used on any internal drives.

5) Make external hard drive content available across the system including DishAnywhere. If multiple receivers (or more specifically DVR stores exist), allow access to all content across all stores without having to connect DishAnywhere to another receiver.

6) While I'm on the subject of DishAnywhere, speed up the user interface so skip and other trick play is actually usable.

7) Change the pricing structure. The "DVR" price for Hopper is way too high if it's being used without Joeys. Make the "whole home" expense incremental with each viewing station (Joey, or Hopper). Make AutoHop and other expensive features an option. I don't use it because I don't watch a lot of shows on the Big 4 and really don't like paying for a bunch of people in a room somewhere to watch and mark commercial breaks for all shows every day.
Yes , they should allow Multiple Super Joeys.
There's a practical limit on the load that MoCA can sustain and it is considerably less than the theoretical mesh rates many like to talk about. Flying live channels twice across the network is a bad idea and I expect that's why we have the limits that are in place now.

Storing timers from 2 HWS to combine to one Hopper 3?

VIDEO - DISH Arcade for the Hopper 3

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