Seems like Craigslist, at least in the Central NJ area usually does not have much for FTA enthusiasts, have been looking over the past year at least once a week. Tons of dishes from former customers using pay TV though.
You might try a local satellite TV installer, sometimes they remove dishes not specifically for pay TV. There is one in Whitehouse Station, NJ, have called them a few times but no luck with that.
A few years ago a guy in Toms River was selling 120cm dishes for $75 plus $100 shipping. I was all set to drive down there to avoid the shipping as you could pick it up, but never got the time. My bad.
W2CRR - at my QTH in Central NJ a 36 inch dish for Ku works fine. Have even used a 30 inch dish with similar results. Motorized dish installation is a little bit more complicated than a stationary dish, but once you get the motor/dish to track the arc you'll have plenty to watch.
Get a good quality state of the art receiver while you are at it.