New Guy with R15 problems.

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Oct 11, 2006
Hi Everyone,

My name is James and I've been a DirecTV member/subscriber for about 7 years. I recently decided to upgrade to a DirecTV DVR Plus system (R15) as I needed more space to record pay-per-view events and other tv shows and unfortunately my Panasonic DMR-E80H DVD Recorder doesn't give me enough time to record the shows or pay-per-view events I like (before I'm able to burn them to DVD).

In the span of the past few days, I have experienced problems with my DVR system. It started back on 10/08/06 when I manually set up the DVR to record the WWE No Mercy pay-per-view. I manually set it up as I found that by recording pay-per-view events this way, they are not automatically labeled with an expiration date as to when the recorded programming will not be able for viewing and allows me to keep it on the DVR system for as long as I need it. After about 30 minutes to 35 minutes of recording the program, the DVR stopped recording the program. I'd tried pressing the record button on the remote to continue the recording of the program and it didn't happen. I went into my list and saw that I had about 35 minutes of the pay-per-view recorded and attempted to watch it and the only thing that came up was a black screen which caused the DVR to crash forcing me to reset it.

Monday afternoon, the marathon of Hanna Montana that I had set up on my DVR Sunday night (going into the actual guide and pressing the R button on every episode listed, this did not conflict with any programs and this show is not set up as a regular recording event) only ended up recording 4 out of the 16 episodes. It recorded two other but seems to record in the middle of the shows and seemed to be too short to be full episodes (one was 15 minutes in length and the other was 22 minutes). It was also during this day where I experienced various crashes of the system. These crashes included:

**Not being able to stop/pause/rewind/fast forward a DVR recorded program in my list
**Not being able to delete (or keep) a DVR recorded program once I have finished watching
**Not being to change from one channel to another. It will display the banner information for the channel I selected as if the channel has changed but continually only showing the channel it's currently set on.
**Not being able to pause "live tv."
**Not being able to use the 6 second replay feature
**Not showing (sometimes) blue background splash art for the guide and playlist menus
**Freezing completely on the DirecTV screensaver.
**Black (blank) screens for newly recorded items.

There's a few more but I think you guys get the gist of it.

I called DirecTV Tuesday morning about this (after it was clear I wasn't going to get a "free" replay of the pay-per-view event, as I usually do the next day or two after I purchased a pay-per-view even such as this) and they said my problem was due to the fact I didn't have enough space on the hard drive and that the hard drive will start to behave awkwardly if it starts to lack sufficient space. For the record, I had about 33% free space available on what was supposed to be a 100 hour hard drive. Their advice to me was to clear out some of the older programming and this should correct the problem and if it doesn't to call them back. In the past 24 - 30 hours, I have managed to watch/delete almost 19 hours of television shows I've recorded restoring 19% hard drive space back to the system where it now sits at 51% and I'm still experiencing these problems. As a matter of fact since my talk with DirecTV early Tuesday morning, I had to reset the receiver about 20 times (no lie) in order to get it to function correctly after it freezes for one various reason or another. I am going to call DirecTV back later on this afternoon but I want to know if anyone else has experienced these problems, tell my what's wrong with my receiver or how it can be fixed if anyway possible.

Thanks and please take it easy on the newbie...I did search under DVR plus and R15 and could not find the answers I was looking for.

:hatsoff: thanks.
R15 Issues

I have had all the same problems with my R15. They tried to say my hard drive was to full to but I had 77% free so that threw out that theory. I recorded the race yesterday but when I went to watch it I had only a black screen and they told me it recorded it that way. They wanted me to do the reset but I refused because I didn't want to lose my other programming. I had the same problem on another R15 and did all the resets but in the end they replaced the dvr. This time I refused and they said no replacement unless I did the resets. I said that wasn't acceptable because I knew it was a software glitch and I demanded another option. So now the problem has been escalated further up and I am supposed to get a phone call at 6:30pm tonight. I will let you know the outcome.
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