New Guide UI now rolling out (plus HDR support!)

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Don't forget to subtract out the music channels, and the 'satellite test' channels in the 9500s, that accounts for around 100 between the two of them and obviously those will never go HD.
Yeah, if you want to add those to the 425 total figure which is only for live SD program channels (414 MPEG-2 SD + 11 MPEG-4) you can "technically" include those as SD channels as well if you wish ...
With the generally high unreliability of the FW Watcher's up time, I doubt if it's worth the effort developing such a real time program keyed to its info.
agreed, so for now I will just apply it to run either on Saturday or a confirmed CE weekend. I wouldn't even know where to start with having Python do a lookup, make a decision and act on it.
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Okay I am new to the forum and I have a couple questions. The first is I got upgraded to the new GUI a few weeks ago and although I don't care for the whole menu section I realize I'm going to have to live with it, that being said it seems a little slower than the old firmware on my C51 client. The speed seems fine on the HR54 after doing a clearmybox. I was wondering if I upgraded to a C61K would it be snappier than the C51 or are they using the same processor? That would kill two birds with one stone by giving me 4K capabilities also. Secondly if it would be better could I buy one off of ebay and swap that out myself or would I have to call D* and would that extend my contract? Thanks for any input.
Unless im totally wrong, you can get the old UI right now, if you want it, if you do a force download of it. I didnt like the new UI either at first, but its fine now.
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Now, this is just me, but my viewing for the majority of the time is in the 200's and a few in the 300's none in the 400's or 500's (I'm not a big movie person)
600's and 700's for the sports channels and a few in the 800's for a few music channels ...

Now I could pair the 300's down to about maybe 5 tops, just my local RSN in the 600's, in the 700's only for the NFL and MLB.
So in reality thats only about 8 channels from 300 to 800, if you only count MY teams in the 600-800 range.

So, out of the 200's I'll pair down to channels I watch as well as channels that I may watch a few times, just for the benefit of doubt.

OK, in the 200's I count 40 channels that I have watched, some only a few times a year if something happens to catch my eye, but I'll count them as well ...

So I was pretty close to my 50 channel estimate, I ended up at 48 ...
Remember that included MY Sports teams.
Except that this brings the usual problem.

"Where one person's trash is another's treasure."

So I would imagine we'd be surprised at the number of complaints from subscribers DIRECTV and other MVPD's receive when a channel that most on a forum like this would consider "useless," "junk," "a waste of bandwidth," and of "good riddance."

In addition there the issues of lost revenue streams from channels that pay DIRECTV to be carried. Offering space for P&I channels mandated by the FCC. And the subsidies of carrying unpopular channels to aid the cost the providing popular mainstream ones.
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Unless im totally wrong, you can get the old UI right now, if you want it, if you do a force download of it. I didnt like the new UI either at first, but its fine now.
I agree, same thoughts, didn't like it at first, but now after using it since November I wouldn't want to go back to the old GUI. The latest releases have most of the performance issues worked out, back a few months ago it was nothing but freezing, dropouts, frozen needing a reboot, and sluggish menus / guide.
Except that this brings the usual problem.

"Where one person's trash is another's treasure."

So I would imagine we'd be surprised at the number of complaints from subscribers DIRECTV and other MVPD's receive when a channel that most on a forum like this would consider "useless," "junk," "a waste of bandwidth," and of "good riddance."

In addition there the issues of lost revenue streams from channels that pay DIRECTV to be carried. Offering space for P&I channels mandated by the FCC. And the subsidies of carrying unpopular channels to aid the cost the providing popular mainstream ones.
Oh, I agree with you entirely ...
That was just my perspective, I understand that others want those channels that I wouldn't.

Another thing alot of people don't understand is may times those odd channels that are there are on because they belong to a Bigger Parent company that says, put this channel on and well give you that more important one (as in Nation network).
I agree, same thoughts, didn't like it at first, but now after using it since November I wouldn't want to go back to the old GUI. The latest releases have most of the performance issues worked out, back a few months ago it was nothing but freezing, dropouts, frozen needing a reboot, and sluggish menus / guide.
As I've mentioned before ... I never really had a problem with the Guide (once they did thier tweaks ) ... its the MENUs that I don't like at all, having to scroll to the right for everything is just a bad idea.
I think other companies have went to that style so I think D* followed.
What do you mean? It is just slates that show the artist and song title, which are not in HD. I think Music Choice has video channels available but Directv doesn't carry those, only the audio ones.
Cox has both SD and HD feeds of MC. The slates are built for wide screen.
After all these years I still don't understand why we can't a one button on/off toggle for PIP on the 44's and 54's. :oldfrown
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Client updates were pushed this morning for many of the mini's, anyone else get it this morning?

C61K latest version is now also full time in the stream 0x0FBF
My HR54 was updated with the new guide a couple weeks ago. It is slower for me, especially the remote. Sometimes when I type a 3 digital channel it takes several seconds before the system acknowledges it. Everything feels a little sluggish.
My HR54 was updated with the new guide a couple weeks ago. It is slower for me, especially the remote. Sometimes when I type a 3 digital channel it takes several seconds before the system acknowledges it. Everything feels a little sluggish.
Try a "clearmybox" and see if it helps.

Do a search for "clearmybox" in the search menu, then select it, HR will reboot, report back it it speeds things up. Type the name as above and select it etc.
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