Possibly on 2nd Generation. The RCU resolution button was removed on purpose as it would could cause undesired support calls for a "fat fingered" regular user.
LOL...Yup, fat fingered....I resemble that guy....An enhanced feature remote for multi addys etc will be a nice extension of this STBs abilities.
Currently no meter display on the Channel Banner. Will consider the display when we redesign the GUI on a future version. The dedicated Signal Meter button keep button pushing minimized.
Good deal, because S/Q really not needed there if you have a dedicated button on the remote. I dont know what info display you had in mind for the GUI, was just saying please dont be obnoxious with the ch to ch info overlay. Sounds like the meter button w/toggle is a better implementation of the concept anyway.
Like you said, GUIs are second to function so any of that can be addressed later anyway. I recall you mentioned custom "skins" are under consideration. If that means similar to the stuff done for Winamp, Opera and some of the other "skinnable" apps out there that would be pretty cool, and likely would address the obnoxious overlay syndrome I've seen on other STBs (and CECBs)
I like the half mute suggestion as well! It is on the list.
Good to know. Yeah, it's one of those things that once youve had it, you kind of whine a bit when your other tech stuff doesnt support it....lol
ALI chipsets perform signal analysis. The parameters of the analysis have some options, but no possibility for MHz selectable steps. We have provided two Blind Scan steps: Normal and Detailed
Options....hmmmm...sound interesting! Again, was just a thought could be helpful in some situations, but you say the tuner chip is pretty hot and quick so that HW would (and should) carry the lion's share of blind scan sensitivity and accuracy anyway.
This chipset does not support ethernet streaming. To be honest, this is not a development that has been targeted for this STB, otherwise we would have developed on a different chipset. This may be possible on an upcoming chipset release, but that is unconfirmed at this time. Have had no success at supporting multi-port USB adapters. Might be possible, but not a priority at this time.
That's unfortunate, but I do understand the chipset selection is for this product did not take into account implementing such a feature. Much more important what it will do than what it wont. If possible to add IP media streaming to a future next tier STB design, I dont think I'd be the only one that would be interested, especially considering the attention to detail and support I see in this product.
The multi port USB was an "Well if not that (TCP/IP support) then maybe this" thing. I'm no programmer, so the ease of adding a routine to do this was just speculation....and a bit of wishful thinking...lol The whole line of thinking was born of "You cant share a USB device" and finding an easy way to get the media to the PC for manipulation. As virally widespread as USB has become it is not the next best thing since sliced bread, but the garden variety USB user doesnt know that, so all is well in the land of periphera...lol
Correct. This feature will be accessed through the installation menus. At this time it is only eye candy and will be implemented when calibrated.
I think it would be a super feature even if calibration wasnt exact. One of my "roundtuit" projects is to drive the VCO in one of these old analog boatanchors with a sawtooth wave out of the SM and see what I can feed to the scope......but I like your idea even better....lol
This MUX does not have the services and tables organized and the scan will usually time out while organizing the tables. Sometimes the scan will log 128 services then on 6 or 8 services found during the next scan then 60 on the next to be followed by some scans with no services found. PID range or limits would not change this. The PIDs and tables are added to the transponders list as they are gathered. This prevents service duplicates, but is a bit laborious....
It seemed there had been considerable effort in trying to solve the dilemma before you reported the HW limitation. I didnt know if that (scan limits) was considered, or even a viable approach. At least "128 services is enough for anyone" wont be as infamous as "640k is enough memory for anyone" - Bill Gates or "The airwaves belong to everyone" - Charlie Ergan ...lol
This delay is firmware adjustable. I believe that it currently is defaulted to 15 seconds.
Hmmm......goes to personal preferences I guess, but I'd look for something a bit longer myself. I'd hate to chop off a desired program for loss of signal for seconds. I dont know what I'd shoot for, but a couple of minutes worth of "dead air" HD space at the end a finished recording cant be that big of a cost.
If you plan to keep customizing the FW for the hobbyist crowd, bet ya V2 gets a bigger one!...lol
Building an ATSC module into a DVB STB is not as easy as one would like to imagine. ATSC is just enough alike and different from the DVB standard to drive a developer crazy with the fantasy of combining...... A PC managing cards or LAN devices and pulling EPG data from the Internet provides a much better experience than trying to make two dissimilar products try to coexist within the hardware of an STB that doesn't quite get both services with optimal performance. Wouldn't lose any sleep in dreaming about a GEOSATpro DVB/ATSC STB.....
It escapes me why the ATSC was born to begin with. DVB was proven tech, and (digital) ATSC born of NTSC VSB AM was just stupid. Prolly fine for cable likw QAM and the like but not for path loss transmission. Unfortunately it is what we are stuck with. It would be nice to have a "one box does it all" solution but I do understand two paths (processes) ending up at the same output point is more complex and expensive, especially considering the SOIC designs.
So add a MPEG2 / 4 encoder? Now that is a big "out of the box" thought...... The cost of that option would at least double the cost.
Well that's not exactly what I was thinking, but it does suffer the same complications as adding ATSC.......the SOIC. Either thru it or around it. Neither a desirable choice.
The alternative being a parallel PVR SOIC subsystem capable of sharing the storage media with the DVB system.....but now we are back to sharing a USB device....yup....headache.
Actually, and I realize it's not the target audience for this product, but MPEG2/4 encoding and recording of external sources at twice the est. MSRP would still be reasonable, if not a decent value. Compare to HD PVRs that just record, no DVB/S2.
But then TIVO would sic their ambulance chasers on ya 'cause they invented recording stuff to a hard drive...........

My thanks again Brian for your interest in what we'd like to see.
You had me at "Tell us what you want". I'm really curious about the surprize bonus feature.

It's going to be a feeding frenzy...lol
Anyone remember that TJ MAXX commercial where the woman is standing at the door at 4:00 AM waiting for the sale going "Open, Open, Open"....
How many dang New Year's Day hangovers in a row can one take?