with 13850 ocs DP, my coolsat shows 14800-16000 (blind scan settings),SR full POL all (which is what i would also need even if scanning just V).
with 13850,10750 ocs the coolsat shows 16000,11700.the rest same
With 10750,13850 ocs my coolsat shows 12900,14800.the rest same
With 13850 standard , the coolsat shows 14800,16000. the rest same
with 10750 ocs DP, the coolsat shows 11700,12750. the rest same
Since i dont fully grasp all of it, that info should put us in the ballpark cause many folks here would know which settings would be needed for the FSS lnb and newer stacked.
If you need me to, i can scan with all the settings for the results, i was just too lazy to try them all.
the coolsat was a 5000. my system is all FSS stacked lnbz, and stacked for c-band also.
heh, i must have edited this thing 6 times now. the reason for the asking is that i take some of my FSS birds and run them thru the 13v side of some of my switches. it gives me an extra bird on a switch.