If I remember correctly didn't he have a bunch of hacked Videocypher units seized at one time that he was planning on selling?
I think if we look closely at ourselves we will find out that most of us were pirates of some sort at one time or another. We have all tried to beat the system of one thing or another at at least one time in our lives and I am not just talking about satellite television eaither.
Yes its been pointed out to me that a some of these people involved with this project have had a sorted past, I have talked with a number of people about this including sponsors.
And in talking I think we all agreed that we should continue to support the project since it is working to further the cost of true free to air satellite.
If making true FTA better for everyone and it helps to bring more to true FTA then thats a great thing. Lets work on this project with those goals in mind and lets leave the past in the past, after all, l ike I said before we were all pirates at one time or another.
Long live true FTA.
Yes! he was into the videocipher stuff.... he he he he...
This is just to say, I wish I could of explained myself like you just did.