New FTA Channel List Website!

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Collector of Space Beams
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 8, 2004
Dayton, OH
Today, with my 1,000th post to SatelliteGuys.US :D, I announce a brand new website for you to enjoy! Brought to you by myself and carload, the site aims to be the most up-to-date, most user-friendly central listing of FTA content in North America.

Go to and see for yourself. :)

Currently we are only announcing it on SatelliteGuys.US, for you to visit during our initial beta launch. Please try out the site and let us know your feedback. We are not only interested in any problems you might have getting the site to work, but also any suggestions you might have to improve the site.

We gladly take channel updates (new ones, changed info, removed ones). The email address is listed on the website.

NOTE this site will NOT list anything that is only in the "What's Up There?" subforum here on SatelliteGuys.US. In other words, we will not include anything that is not public information. So never worry about seeing your exclusive scan finds from the W.U.T. area being exposed on

Together we can all help shape the site into the best of its kind! Again, thanks go to user carload as well, without whom there would be no :)
And thanks to TuxCoder, who has labored on his private list for such a long time. I'm happy to help bring it to a wider audience.

Reminder to everyone that this is still beta. Go poke around and see if you can find the error we deliberately left in place. ;)

That's . Go ahead and bookmark it now! :D
PLEASE REMOVE THE LINK TO MY WEB SITE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, no permission was asked for! I have NO AFFILIATION what so ever with this web site!

Its still there! You should really have asked me first before including a link to my web site, especially after your e-mails and PM,s asking for money.
carload said:
And thanks to TuxCoder, who has labored on his private list for such a long time. I'm happy to help bring it to a wider audience.

Reminder to everyone that this is still beta. Go poke around and see if you can find the error we deliberately left in place. ;)

That's . Go ahead and bookmark it now! :D

Is the error that you did not provide a link to your email address? I wanted to email you a few of my finds - great site!
That site looks good and is very easy to navigate. Keep up the good work and maybe someday I'll be able to get a FTA system.
guess the error

>Go poke around and see if you can find the error we deliberately left in place

Does it have anything to do with the exclusive access feature?
I see that you have a way of designating whether the channels are c band or KU, but i dont see any c-band FTA channels listed, is this the infamous error?
oops i did find an error ;) under advanced options / display channel list/ channels by catagory, at the very bottom of the chart where it says "foreign language" you have 0, when there are dozens of foriegn language channels ;) BTW I would try to design the site so that it doesnt use frames, but use tables instead, tables are much more "search engine" friendly. VERY NICE SITE GUYS
Whoa, I think Pete got his point across there :)

**rant on**
But, I find it quite interesting that you waited until after 5PM (5:11 to be exact) (when I normally leave work and basically am not online until the next day) to post this cut little site.

If I wasn't mistaken, advertising is not allowed. We have removed advertising for people who post "hey come look at this website" and nobody has had any issues. So I'm real tempted to delete this thread due to advertising.

NOTE this site will NOT list anything that is only in the "What's Up There?" subforum here on SatelliteGuys.US. In other words, we will not include anything that is not public information. So never worry about seeing your exclusive scan finds from the W.U.T. area being exposed on
um, yeah sure. I checked when there was stuff that WASN'T public info (it was in the WUT area) yet it was there.

Do I have a problem with the site?...Hell No
Do I have a problem with the fact you posted it 11 minutes after I normally leave for the day...Hell yes (this seems to be the norm)
Do I have a problem with the "look at me and my little site I made"...hell yes

We had sources of the info..We have Lyngsat, Mike Kohl's site, and a few more. We also had the sticky's at the top that link you to those sites.
**rant off**

Sometimes it isn't worth fighting for what you believe.....
Ok PSB, I have removed the link to your site and I apologize on behalf of both of us. If you want nothing to do with our site, that is understood. No hard feelings, I never meant to upset you, and as I said, any mention of your web site is gone now. :)

Iceberg, I'm sorry too if our timing was somehow inconvenient for you. I don't know your work schedule. The announcement timing was based on my getting all the final touches in place so things on there were in as good shape as possible for the launch. In fact, I value your opinion (as well as that of others) on this kind of thing since you're an active FTA project guy yourself. Had I known ahead of time when you were leaving for that amount of time, I definitely would have tried to push the announcement earlier. :)

As for advertising, the website is not for profit, for one thing. I just wanted to let everyone know that it's out there, and is a better (IMHO) alternative to the others, some of which you mentioned.

Could you let me know what W.U.T. stuff is on the site? I made every attempt possible to not include anything that was only in there, but it is surely possible that for this original setup something slipped by, and I apologize for that as well.

Again, I never meant to offend anyone with mention of the new site. :)
Iceberg and PSB, sorry to upset you both.
Site seems confusing to me. Lots of dark colors and dark print. Breaking down by each bird instead of by interest group is easier for me. Not getting permission to post advertising is something not even the satforums website allows.
PSB, I appreciated your expression of support yesterday (glad I captured it), and I'm disappointed in your edited reversal. I wish I knew what happened to change your mind. Of course we don't mind removing dealer links on request.

Iceberg, you're one of my best friends on the forum, and I would never do anything with the motive of inconveniencing or avoiding you. We've been working for over a week on site improvements, and we wanted to announce it here as soon as it was ready for beta testing. I never thought of you or any other forum member; I was focused on completing the list ASAP.

I echo TuxCoder's remarks about WUT content. I'm unaware of any WUT exclusives that are in our list. Please PM or email one of us (if you haven't already) so we can verify and remove any WUT exclusives. It is our strong desire to avoid including any WUT-exclusive content.

I must contradict TuxCoder, though, when he says the site is not for profit. has no particular status, and although I expect to pay for it indefinitely, it would be nice if it should happen to turn a profit one day. I'm not holding my breath. :)

I think our new FTA List site offers significant advantages over its alternatives, and since it grew from the friendships made on this forum, I thought it was appropriate to invite the users here to help shape its final version. I continue to be mystified that anyone would be offended by that announcement/invitation. I regret any hurt feelings caused by anything I've done.
Not getting permission to post advertising
Thanks for your comments, but I don't understand what you mean there. Our only advertisements are for related books on Amazon, and Amazon's happy with us running them.
Its still there! You should really have asked me first before including a link to my web site, especially after your e-mails and PM,s asking for money.[/QUOTE]Thanks, Pete for toning down your edit. Point taken about the link and the site sponsorship queries carload sent you.

But I assure you, I did remove the link as of about 10:30am eastern today. Please try a "refresh"/"reload" in your browser. On my end it is not showing up. I don't know if you have any Unix familiarity, but if so, a "grep -ir psb ." from the top-level directory of our site's hosting area returns nothing. :)
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