New firmware for Viewsat available

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 15, 2005
A public service announcement.....

Ver 2051 (last was 2013) is now posted on the viewsat home page under support.

Have not flashed it yet, but hoping the quantum leap in Ver numbers, results a lot fixes that are needed!:hungry:

I will flash tonight and if I see anything interesting, will inform the forum!
I do not use USALS since I am slaved to a BUD and 4dtv, but I hope it helps those who were having trouble!

Viewsat owners who flash...PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU FIND!

Ok, I was able to flash the new version (my laptop was actually not in its case since I am loading it up for tax season and a trip I am about to take) the receiver now shows V 2.51....Initial reaction....nada from my first impressions.

Blind scan is not faster and more importantly, the Quality meter still has no numerical reference (just a bar) in the normal viewing mode. You still have to go to the installation screen to see a Quality % figure...sheesh. Hopefully there is something I have not found yet and they fixed the motor issues for those with dedicated dishes for FTA. If Viewsat does not get it together, they will be slaughtered here in the states. Still should have bought the Coolsat IMHO. It's not that it is bad...just a little cumbersome for setting up.

I was having an issue on G10R where some FTA (Free according to LynGsat) channels showed up as $ (Pay services) with no pic or sound...they are now back to normal (Free), but I think a reset would have done the same thing?
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sadly some software upgrades really dont do much for the naked eye. It might be some goofy little bug fix.

That sucks that the quality meter doesnt give you a number. I have one receiver that does the same thing. Just 2 bars (signal & quality) no numbers :(
Yep, I have been in computing for a long time

Iceberg said:
sadly some software upgrades really dont do much for the naked eye. It might be some goofy little bug fix.

That sucks that the quality meter doesnt give you a number. I have one receiver that does the same thing. Just 2 bars (signal & quality) no numbers :(


No question it is not usually something you see unless a feature is added. I was hoping for the Quality numbers though.

I have been flashing PC Bios' for....errr....lets just say YEARS!:rolleyes:

Sometimes you can tell they fixed something, improved performance etc, but usually you do not see anything. IN FACT IN COMPUTERS, SOMETIMES A NEW BIOS IS POORLY IMPLEMENTED AND YOU MUST BACKWARDS FLASH AN OLDER BIOS.

I used to have a switchable duplicate bios chip piggybacked on the bios socket just in case the flash failed...of course now the chips are not socketed for the most part, so I do less PC BIOS flashing!:D

Interesting how the 4dtv receivers (and I think Pizza receivers) get their new firmware sent from the satellite itself...always freaked me out, figuring one day I would awaken to a braindead receiver! 4dtv will probably never see a firmware upgrade again since Motorola is in a "maintain only" mode!
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"Interesting how the 4dtv receivers (and I think Pizza receivers) get their new firmware sent from the satellite itself...always feaked me out, figuring one day I would awaken to a braindead receiver! 4dtv will probably never see a firmware upgrade again since Motorola is in a "maintain only" mode!"

I've had Dish Network almost since they started. They've update the software many times, especially on the DVR, and I've never had a problem.

I work at a radio station with the AP news wire. Several years ago, AP decided to update the satellite receiver software by downloading via the satellite. But they didn't bother to check out the software fully... there was a problem... the new software shut down hundreds of their receivers. They had to send techs out to manually reload and reboot all of the those receivers. We were without the AP service for several days. Interestingly, those stations with faulty AP receivers didn't receive the download, and their equipment continued operating with the old software.
That's why...

jh98 said:
"Interesting how the 4dtv receivers (and I think Pizza receivers) get their new firmware sent from the satellite itself...always feaked me out, figuring one day I would awaken to a braindead receiver! 4dtv will probably never see a firmware upgrade again since Motorola is in a "maintain only" mode!"

I've had Dish Network almost since they started. They've update the software many times, especially on the DVR, and I've never had a problem.

I work at a radio station with the AP news wire. Several years ago, AP decided to update the satellite receiver software by downloading via the satellite. But they didn't bother to check out the software fully... there was a problem... the new software shut down hundreds of their receivers. They had to send techs out to manually reload and reboot all of the those receivers. We were without the AP service for several days. Interestingly, those stations with faulty AP receivers didn't receive the download, and their equipment continued operating with the old software.

That is exactly why I want total control of what firmware updates to install and if need be, re-flash with an older version!!!

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