New Dual Tuner OTA Adapter

With a second OTA tuner, my pipe dream is to be able to use one of those tuners for PTAT, then split off locals from the base packages so I don't have to pay for them.

I will keep dreaming.
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Out of 51 OTA channels, 14 have no guide data and 2 have incorrect guide data. Over 25% missing data....

That doesn't include 5 OTA channels that get no guide data that I delete from the scanned list.
I have an adjacent DMA channel that doesn't get the guide data on the - 01 but does on - 02 and - 03. Annoying...

I still don't understand why they can't work with Echostar, that manufactures the channel master dvr, and let us plug in to the internet for complete guide information for all ota channels and sub channels. This is do-able and an easy fix that would make all people happy. All they need is a software download to enable this feature so we could get complete guide information.
I'm with everyone on this, particularly concerning DISH who has been leading the fight about locals carriage cost. Make it even more attractive to use OTA by having a full guide.
Some but not all.
The Dot 3 sub channels I care about do not have Guide data. So hard to watch them or record things.
So some guide data is not good enough considering what we pay each month.
Lately I have been thinking of switching to the dark side (those other providers) as they have guide data for everything, maybe get that new 6 tuner tivo.
So hard, love dish, been with them for so many years.
Anyone tried that Hauppauge dual tuner USB gizmo that was shown earlier in the thread? I know Scott said that it might blow your H3, but I'm curious if anyone has given it a try? If so, what were your results?

I miss having a dual tuner OTA module and am getting impatient.
The Hoppers probably don't have the s/w and/or drivers for the new tuner yet, being a different supplier and all from the original OTA adapter (unless it was included in the U334/U336 release). My guess would be that it will be in another s/w update closer to the new tuners public release.
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Just so everybody knows Gracenote is no longer owned by Tribune media it is now owned by Nielsen family rating systems

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
And Tribune just bought Gracenote a little over a year ago--I think. Boy, the fastest "flip" Tribune has made.

Edit: It was 2+ years ago. Boy time flies.

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