New DishHD Packages to be added February

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BFG said:
Also note Dish will be like voom when they say markets not in HD from dish will use in off air picture, because at the show dish had a Wingard Square Shooter with "Dish HD" painted on it, so it looks like dish will be installing OTA antennas in February

Tryed that antenna and it did not work for me. Using a Winegard 9095p now.
I am with Reefer, WTF is everyone talking about upgrading to mpeg4 for, all it will get you is HD-Lite?? upgrading to mpeg4 tells Charlie that you accept their decision for sh*t picture quality and lets him know that you are bent over and ready for primetime

Gary Murrell said:
I am with Reefer, WTF is everyone talking about upgrading to mpeg4 for, all it will get you is HD-Lite?? upgrading to mpeg4 tells Charlie that you accept their decision for sh*t picture quality and lets him know that you are bent over and ready for primetime

For myself I separate HD pack into two parts. Prime part (HBO, ShowTime, Starz (hope), Cinemax (hope), TMC (hope), HDNets, ESPNs SHOULD BE in native resolution. I will never except less than that. As for Voom, Discovery and other, leke Welth (remember old Voom). I think that I like them to be in max res., but they are not critical for me, I don't watch them all the time, they are mood channels as someone already called them here.
So I'll be extremely dissapointed only if major channels go HD-lite.
Gary Murrell said:
I agree Minsk, but only time is stopping all HD on Dish from being HD-Lite, they have started it now and it will spread like a plague
I just got back from CES and I am pretty beat. I talked to one of the E* reps for a while about the down-rezzing issue (and other things). She gave me her card and asked me to email her about the problem so that she could get further clarification for me on why this is happening.

Now, I am not naive enough to think that this one person is going to make any difference on this issue. But at least with some of us putting the bug of discontent in their ear we might be able to turn the tide back against this problem. We certainly have to try.

I have more thoughts on CES that I will post over time, but one thought that I gotta go ahead and put forth is this- Dish blew away DirectTV in almost every area. DirectTV is now CLEARLY behind Dish in hardware and programming from what I saw, at least when it comes to HD.
sonnyboy11 said:
<snip>..... but one thought that I gotta go ahead and put forth is this- Dish blew away DirectTV in almost every area. DirectTV is now CLEARLY behind Dish in hardware and programming from what I saw, at least when it comes to HD.

Dish knows this and is taking every advantage of it they can with customers.

The biggest mistake the industry ever made was allowing anyone to see full rez, perfect bitrate, true HD because there was never any way it was ever going to remain available - greed is too big a temptation.

You might get lucky enough to live near an afilliate that will do fuzz rez for a while but eventually they'll all go with into multicasting for the same reasons.

Companies no longer take any pride in their quality of product or service anymore. They're more than willing to compromise quality if they can make a few more bucks with quanity.

It's just the way people are today. It's a "I don't mind you having less if it gets me more" mindset now and it's permiated almost all of society.
sonnyboy11 said:
...Dish blew away DirectTV in almost every area. DirectTV is now CLEARLY behind Dish in hardware and programming from what I saw, at least when it comes to HD.

They are clearly ahead of Dish in what counts, subscribers. Maybe I am in a weird part of the country (Philadelphia) but I have yet to see any type of commercials from Dish Network and the ones I do so leave me with that Huh?!?!?! feeling.

Its all about name recognition and quality...Neither have quality at this point and DirectV is clearly ahead in name recognition. Funny nobody in marketing has noticed that Dish Network actually has the word DISH in it :rolleyes:
Yeah but I see Diah gaining on Direct on Customer base if not passing Direct on customers. Why well 1st more and more folks are getting HDTV's and folks want more HD Channels. Right now its clear Dish is the leader in HD and most folks are going to care less right now if they downrezz stuff. All they want is something in HD and even downrezz HD is better that SD. Now that Dish has the most HD Channels plus MPEG4 receivers out I see Dish getting a lot of new customers with new HDTV wanting something in HD. Just my 2cents. :)
I can see what some of you guys are saying about the HD-Lite and why even mess with doing MPEG-4 and HD if they are going to go HD-Lite. To some it defeats the purpose of even launching it but many say that there is still a huge improvement of the picture even if it is in HD-Lite than what SD provides.
Stargazer said:
I can see what some of you guys are saying about the HD-Lite and why even mess with doing MPEG-4 and HD if they are going to go HD-Lite. To some it defeats the purpose of even launching it but many say that there is still a huge improvement of the picture even if it is in HD-Lite than what SD provides.
That's true. Just don't call 1280x1080i HD. And don't justify it by saying that most customer's can't tell the difference or don't have displays to see the difference.

ESPN and Disney are extortion companies, annd I can get all the broadcast nets OTA so as long as they don't raise the price of the package and include MPEG4 channels in that, I won't be that mad. However, if they make MPEG4 channels mandatory in the HDPAK and raise the price on Feb1, I will raise some serious hell, and so will my HD customers(although I don't have that many HD customers).
Poke said:
Yeah but I see Diah gaining on Direct on Customer base if not passing Direct on customers. Why well 1st more and more folks are getting HDTV's and folks want more HD Channels. Right now its clear Dish is the leader in HD and most folks are going to care less right now if they downrezz stuff. All they want is something in HD and even downrezz HD is better that SD. Now that Dish has the most HD Channels plus MPEG4 receivers out I see Dish getting a lot of new customers with new HDTV wanting something in HD. Just my 2cents. :)

As a DISH retailer, I hate to break it to you, but even in 2006 HDTV customers are still a small but extremely loud minority. Dish has way more customers of their International programmer as HD and they are more profitable too.
So what happened to when they said they were pushing mpeg4 back and utilizing turbo 8psk for a while? I mean, less than a month later it confuses me that it went totally the other direction.

Anyway, i know a few people will be pretty upset that they upgraded to an 811 less than a month ago, and now they cant even get all the HD without upgrading again.
CivicOnBoostEK said:
So what happened to when they said they were pushing mpeg4 back and utilizing turbo 8psk for a while? I mean, less than a month later it confuses me that it went totally the other direction.
Anyway, i know a few people will be pretty upset that they upgraded to an 811 less than a month ago, and now they cant even get all the HD without upgrading again.

they are not going to be using mpeg4 anytime soon, pay this great site some $ so you read a bombshell in the pub members area ;)

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Dish will be simulcasting the new channels on 129 (Dish 1000) and 61.5 for the time being. The 622 is not going to be released on Feb 1st. It will be shortly after. The 211 has been out since Dec 15th and thats the rcvr for the time being. Yes, all the new channels are broadcast in MPEG-4.
TSRIII said:
Dish will be simulcasting the new channels on 129 (Dish 1000) and 61.5 for the time being. The 622 is not going to be released on Feb 1st. It will be shortly after. The 211 has been out since Dec 15th and thats the rcvr for the time being. Yes, all the new channels are broadcast in MPEG-4.

The 411 has been released since Dec. 15.
Tom Bombadil said:
Is it a given that one will pay $54.99 for HD Bronze whether it is with or without locals?

I would think that the Bronze/silver/gold/plat packages would be $5.00 less if you don't include locals. So you should pay for :

Hd bronze pack $54.99 - 5.00 without locals = $49.99.
Hd silver pack $ 64.99 - 5.00 without locals = $59.99.
Hd gold pack $74.99 - 5.00 without locals = $ 69.99.
Hd Plat pack $ 104.99 - 5.00 without locals = $99.99.

*Unless of course Dish wants to only allow customers to unbundle the locals - if they DON"T sub to one of the hd packs too. Then it would suck big time.:mad:

OF course the only reason why I like my dvr with namebased recording is so it can keep up with all of the network shows on the big 4 networks and the Wb too, and the nets like Sci Fi , Usa, Tnt etc. Why else would you need one - unless you like to schedule a lot of movie timers. For that I now use Net Flix instead. :D
MikeD-C05 said:
I would think that the Bronze/silver/gold/plat packages would be $5.00 less if you don't include locals. So you should pay for :
Hd bronze pack $54.99 - 5.00 without locals = $49.99.
Hd silver pack $ 64.99 - 5.00 without locals = $59.99.
Hd gold pack $74.99 - 5.00 without locals = $ 69.99.
Hd Plat pack $ 104.99 - 5.00 without locals = $99.99.
*Unless of course Dish wants to only allow customers to unbundle the locals - if they DON"T sub to one of the hd packs too. Then it would suck big time.:mad:
OF course the only reason why I like my dvr with namebased recording is so it can keep up with all of the network shows on the big 4 networks and the Wb too, and the nets like Sci Fi , Usa, Tnt etc. Why else would you need one - unless you like to schedule a lot of movie timers. For that I now use Net Flix instead. :D
I think that dish will a ,"+" sign so to add lil's to the HD packages. As long as I have been with E*, I've only seen them use plus signs.
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