The CSR said that I could get 722 or 622 or 612. They will choose but I can request one in the installation comments. That seems a little awkward. What happens if the installer brings the wrong one. I want the 722.
I haven't ordered yet. Still debating. I watch mostly local HD using a HDHomeRun dual tuner as DVR on my iMac connected to my 61" JVC 1080p TV. Looks and sounds great (audio through my H/K AVR 745 receiver). Most of my favorite shows are locals like 24, Prison Break, House, etc. I haven't watched cable/sat in a long time.
Also, my system is simple right now - 2 HDMI inputs on the H/K AVR 745. I use the imac on one, the PS3 on the other. One HDMI going to the TV. The TV has one more HDMI free (which I could use for the dish. Then my harmony has to be programmed for switching between the two HDMI inputs which is always a pain because of JVC's stupid IR commands that gets out of sync. My iMac does all web video on the TV, Front Row, eyeTV (with HDHomerun) for HD locals. Great quality. I am using comcast temporarily because I got a cheap $20/month internet access through them without video service but I get local channels through QAM anyway. Well - again - choices..... I am rambling now....