Last month in November, I bought a 46" /3 -D Toshiba LED HD Tv last month for $999.99 and got a Toshiba -3-D Blu-ray player with all the internet apps on it thrown in for free. Damn good price for a brand new tv and was cheaper than a non 3-D tv ,same size with only 120hz. Mine is 480hz and has the sharpest picture I've seen in a long time. So we got it for 36 months and NO interest at Conns. I will pay it off online tomorrow . We've watched ONE real 3-D pay per view on DISH and it was Captain America. We have watched a few shows upconverted to 3-D ,but it just isn't the same. I think 3-D is still just a fad and if you want to see it done correctly , you go to the movie theater.