New Dish Network DVR 510 Promotion

They would to match Direct TVs price on there HD DVR that has 4 Turners (2 DBS and 2 OTA) Dish only has 3.

There are some online retailers selling the HD TIVO for $899 if you Pre-Order it.

With Dish the Pre-Order is still $999.

We can never say never on this.

Direct TV has a new owner and we do not know how Charlie will react once Price is the issue when both HD DVRs start shipping.
This was in the back of my mind all day whle I was at work. The fact that E* quarter results are coming up mabey they are realizing how much the fees have slowed down DVR sales. Also with the speed of cable's deployment of DVRs E* see their competitive advantage inthe DVR marketplace as non-existent anymore. A no fee DVR would once again be a great way to market the service.
If they start offering this then us existing 510 and 522 owners better be able to take advantage and not pay the fee either.
Remember even if this rumor turns out to be true, we do not know the details yet, and I too suspect their will be a time-limit to the no DVR fee with CCA, like for the first year only I suspect. I want to see a current customer deal on the 522, instead of this new DHA subs only or buy at your own risk on e-bay and play csr roulette to get it activated BS.
I currently have a 721 and the next DVR I want is the 522, I am waiting for a deal on that or at least waiting for it to become available to existing subscribers to activate on their accounts.
AppliedAggression said:
First why would anyone have a 301 receiver? You could sell it for $70-80 and get a 510. Dish wouldn't be able to keep up with the demand.
Fortunately there are enough uninformed people to make that possible. If E* was offering 510's for $99 would YOU buy a 301 for $70? If this comes true, expect to see 301's for $50. They make nice kid's room setups. (Unless this becomes a trade in offer.)
AppliedAggression said:
All current 510 owners would be extremely pissed. Probably to the point of canceling or having Dish waive all VOD charges on the 510.
Dropping the "VOD" fee for anyone on auto-pay would be needed to calm the nerves. Perhaps even PPV coupons for those 510 owners who have faithfully paid their $5 via auto-pay?
AppliedAggression said:
The 510 has already had a great success with it being $99, or $9 with a two year commit. Why would essentially lower the price on something that already sells well?
To make it sell better?

On a side bar ... is the 510 QPSK only or can it do 8PSK like the 311 and newer models? Offering good receivers cheap is a good way of moving the customer base over to better technology and allowing E* to upgrade their transponders to 8PSK.

justalurker said:
On a side bar ... is the 510 QPSK only or can it do 8PSK like the 311 and newer models? Offering good receivers cheap is a good way of moving the customer base over to better technology and allowing E* to upgrade their transponders to 8PSK.

I pretty certain it's just QPSK. I still don't see this happening although I've been wrong about other things. Here are the possibilites I see:

1) All Dish PVRs get name-based recording except 510, thus elimating the VOD charge on this unit.

2) Dish offers a "life subscription" to the VOD fee.

As long as Directv and others charge for having PVRs and Dish being so recent in adding the fee, I don't see them switching it at all.
Just got off the phone with Dish, twice, and they told me the promo is true for the 510, but there is no waiving of the $4.98 DVR fee with autopay signup. They will waive the $24.95 shipping charge for autopay signup, but that's it. Maybe the DVR fee waiving promo hasn't started yet. I talked to two differen CSR's just to see if they had the same info. Maybe i'll try again later and see if the story changes. :D
They currently charge some 7100/7200 owners for PTV and not others. So why can't the same company do that with the 510? I don't think it is fair in the first case but, given that fact, it might happen again.
They have had the $99 510 offer for a while now. They would not stat the new deal before March I am pretty sure.
so what if I'm already in a year contract and pay by credit card, will they give me the 510 for $99? Also I only have a dual LNB, will they give me a quad so I can have a three room set up instead of the two room I have going now?
I just got off the phone with the Executive offices. The rep I spoke with said they are not waiving the $4.98 VOD feed, she also said in order to purchase the 510, you must have been a customer prior to January 2001. Otherwise, you could upgrade one of your other receivers for $99 to get the 510

Does this sound right, or should I call back
I don't understand what the big fuss is. The 510 has been $99 w/ a year commitment for quite a while now.

You guys are setting yourself up for disappointment with the 'No VOD fee'.
Again Aggression all of the arguments you present against thsi applt with the 7100 and 7200s. And they have had some customers paying and sdme not paying therre for years.
That's true about the 7100s and 7200s, but Dish would never do that to a newer receiver. The 7xxx were at the "end" of their cycle, and they were trying to get ppl to upgrade because of quite a few reasons.

You tell me this, what would be smarter for Echostar, to sell 510 receivers for $99 and have no VOD fee and confuse customers, upset existing paying VOD customers and make them seem like they don't know what they're doing with the VOD fees.

Or would they be smarter to say, offer a 522 receiver for $99 with the $5 VOD fee?
A 522 receiver with name based recording would provide great competition to Directv and their Tivo, on top of having additional features (caller id, PIP, two outputs). I believe offering the 510 with no VOD fee or selling the 522 for $99 is about the same. I'd assume most ppl would keep their 510 for 4-5 years, that's $240-$300 in fees. That is about the amount they would be discounting their 522 receiver ($400-300).

If this 510 deal happens, Dish is going about things the wrong way. Sorry.
I don't understand your first paragraph. The situation with 7100s and 7200s started because of an offer that originated when it was realtively NEW. Not to one that happened at the end. That special was subsequently extended for those that happened to participate in it. But others have been charged the fee for years. Which is actually a STRANGER situation than the one we have here. Maybe I am missing something.

As for the rest you say you think it is a bad idea. Granted. But they seem to have had the same bad idea before and they do not seem to regret it.

As for your 522 plan perhaps you should suggest it to DISH. But I don't quite see how presenting it here refutes the rest of the thread.

All I am saying is that this plan is no crazier or harder to believe than what they have aready done. DISH and other companies often do things I would not so. But my dispproval or inability to understand their actions does not disprove anything just as your disapproval of this promotion does not disprove it.

But my friend AA we are just going to go back and forth on this endlessly. So this is the last post I will make on this.
I'm not certain, as I didn't follow Dish back in the 7xxx days, but I believe they only started charging the fee a few years ago. Those boxes are extremely easy to hack, and Dish would love to get them out of the circulation.

You're right, I'm just suggesting an alternative, but one I feel most consumers would want and it's not a far-fetched idea. I feel Dish is smart enough to see something similar. I think they're a smart company and that's what I don't believe in this no VOD fee thread.

Here's to whatever happens, either it be a VOD free 510, or a similar deal.

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