New Customer - Receiver Change Issue

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 26, 2003
I just had Directv installed about a month ago and e-mailed Directv a few weeks after I had the system installed because I changed my mind on the receivers I had. I have the HR34 and 3 H25s. I had to pay $99 for the HR34 and $100 for the last two H25s. What I really would like is the HR34, which I have, one H25 and one HR24. I'd like my own DVR instead in my bedroom. I e-mailed Directv and they said I could cancel my two H25s and get an HR24. I gave them the last 4 digits of my acces cards on the two I wanted deactivated. These two are now deactivated and they are sending recovery boxes for them. I e-mailed them again and asked if I needed to pay anything for the HR24 and they said I would have to pay full price for an HR24. I have the e-mails that I sent to them and their responses, all in one e-mail. I'd be willing to pay the difference because HR24 is usually $199. I was expecting it to be free since the e-mail I sent, I made it sound like I wanted to swap out the two H25s for and HR24. Now they are claiming all sales are final.
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That's pretty much the way it works. If you wanted different equipment, you really should have ordered it that way. I know that sounds harsh, but that's how Directv handles it.
gbertler said:
I just had Directv installed about a month ago and e-mailed Directv a few weeks after I had the system installed because I changed my mind on the receivers I had. I have the HR34 and 3 H25s. I had to pay $99 for the HR34 and $100 for the last two H25s. What I really would like is the HR34, which I have, one H25 and one HR24. I'd like my own DVR instead in my bedroom. I e-mailed Directv and they said I could cancel my two H25s and get an HR24. I gave them the last 4 digits of my acces cards on the two I wanted deactivated. These two are now deactivated and they are sending recovery boxes for them. I e-mailed them again and asked if I needed to pay anything for the HR24 and they said I would have to pay full price for an HR24. I have the e-mails that I sent to them and their responses, all in one e-mail. I'd be willing to pay the difference because HR24 is usually $199. I was expecting it to be free since the e-mail I sent, I made it sound like I wanted to swap out the two H25s for and HR24. Now they are claiming all sales are final.

Yeah, it sucks but that's why most people say make sure you get what you THINK may want up front. Receivers aren't cheap and in your situation you're prolly going to pay $199 for the HDDVR. I would call an see of they're willing to work with you
I know I should have ordered the correct equipment before the install. Just sucks that they deactivated the receivers and then come back saying I'm going to have to pay regular price for the HD DVR.
Yes it does. Unfortunately, that's their policy.
Who did you speak to? Whenever you're going to do something like this it's always best to get to the retentions department by saying cancel at the voice prompts. Those are the folks that have the most leeway to deal with you.

It's no guarantee of course but it can't hurt to call and always remember that you'll get way more flies with honey than vinegar.
robjlevin said:
Who did you speak to? Whenever you're going to do something like this it's always best to get to the retentions department by saying cancel at the voice prompts. Those are the folks that have the most leeway to deal with you.

It's no guarantee of course but it can't hurt to call and always remember that you'll get way more flies with honey than vinegar.

Problem with this, he's still a very new customer. Retention does have their limits and with him being pretty new I doubt they'll do much. I think he has a pretty good chance of at least getting $100 off or so since he already paid that then decided against it. Just my thinking though.
Yeah, it sucks but that's why most people say make sure you get what you THINK may want up front.

there's a reason I say that when someone is thinking of coming to Directv. I made that mistake and paid alot more in the long run than if I just got it up front
you can try solid signal it probly will still be lease but you can probly find a cheap one on a website or try ebay someone may be selling them if they are not leased to another customer if they are you wont be able to activate on your account
Yeah, I'm going to go with Solid Signal. I've ordered stuff from them when I had Dish.
Thank you,
Punctuation, I don't need no stinkin' punctuation!:D

(Thanks for the reminder to the punctuation-less poster; I can only imagine my grade school English teachers turning
over in the grave from what they'd see today)
Would I be able to use an R22 with the deca to ethernet adapter? Will the R22 get the HD GUI and will it support MRV? I have an HR34 and an H25 still on my account, which I will be keeping.
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FYI....... HDMI splitter

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