New Computer Build

I know I stated earlier that I prefer AMD's 64X2', but if you are in the overclocking game, then the Pentium core2 Duo's are where to go. They can be overclocked up to 1ghz more than what the processor actually is. I see them very safely overclocked another 700mhz without needing any special cooling.

AMD's 64 X2's typically only are overclockable another 400mhz. But again, they are much cheaper out of the gate.

And of course when you talk about overclocking, you will want the right Motherboard to do so.
QUOTE by joedekock
"AMD's 64 X2's typically only are over clockable another 400mhz. But again, they are much cheaper out of the gate."

Wrong! I don't know where you get this from but you're way off here. If you truly want to over clock go with an FX chip they are the best for that. Personally I think it is a waste to extremely over clock you're just asking for big trouble and the extra you spend on cooling systems could be spent on a faster CPU. Basically be practical.

Some MB's will over clock safely and automatically this tends to be a safe way to go but as you stated above you're not getting 1GHz faster then.
QUOTE by joedekock
"AMD's 64 X2's typically only are over clockable another 400mhz. But again, they are much cheaper out of the gate."

Wrong! I don't know where you get this from but you're way off here. If you truly want to over clock go with an FX chip they are the best for that. Personally I think it is a waste to extremely over clock you're just asking for big trouble and the extra you spend on cooling systems could be spent on a faster CPU. Basically be practical.

Some MB's will over clock safely and automatically this tends to be a safe way to go but as you stated above you're not getting 1GHz faster then.

I get my information from being in the profession. I am not wrong. I just overclocked my pentium core 2 duo from 2.4ghz to 3.0. I could go all the way up to 3.4, but did not want to push it that high. I am not a fan of newegg like some around here, but if you read some of the reviews of the processors or motherboards people ar ebuying to overclock, you will see much more success with the Core 2 than the AMD FX.
Overclocking is for the birds... you're always wondering "did Windows crash due to my overclocking?" I used to be in the overclocking game back in the day when it was worth it (ex: overclocking a 233/66 celeron to 400/100). In my opinion, the risk and problems of overclocking doesn't not out weigh the gains today.
Overclocking is for the birds... you're always wondering "did Windows crash due to my overclocking?" I used to be in the overclocking game back in the day when it was worth it (ex: overclocking a 233/66 celeron to 400/100). In my opinion, the risk and problems of overclocking doesn't not out weigh the gains today.

I am not into overclockeing either, however, as I heard that the core2 duo's could easily handle it without breaking a sweat, I thought I would get some more processor for my money.
Yeah that setup should run it but from what I have seen Vista runs better on the Core 2 Duo CPU's.
Neutron - Do your self a big favor and stay with AMD they are much stronger then Intel in the processing department, plus cheaper too. I just built a E6300 machine with everything faster then one of my old 939 4400 Dual Core and ran them head-to-head. I transcoded a movie with DVD Rebuilder which uses both cores and 100% of RAM. By all means the Insmell should have totally out classed the AMD but the AMD PC was only 2 minutes slower on a 2+ hour project. The Insmell costs more and I got less. I'm a bang for the buck person and could care less which camp is which my only concern is what I'm getting for my hard earned cash.

Vista is just fine once you've turned off UAC, Notification, Windows Defender, and their Firewall. I disagree that SP1 will fix all issues as MS is pretty arrogant about there way of handling security, which they are very poor at, I've personally had many conversations with their reps on this.

Sorry but your wrong. Intel products now are much more powerful and faster than AMD.
QUOTE by joedekock
1. "I get my information from being in the profession"
2. "as I heard that the core2 duo's could easily handle it without breaking a sweat"

One is a contradiction of two as two is hearsay. I work on PC's everyday and have built and tested more in a month or two then you probably have dealt with in your life time, I've been doing this for several years and have worked with mainframes, workstations, servers, and PC's for 25+ years. I too have heard that the new Core2 Dou's are more easily over clocked then the old Pentiums, not comparing them to AMD though. I believe this is true however I haven't tried it or compared what I can do with an Intel versus an AMD processor now. I have played around with several AMD's over clocking them and you can push them pretty far, I have pushed them 1GHz although heating and power become a problem and as I've already stated you are just asking for problems. Gamers seem to like the FX chip because it can be pushed extremely far, how far I'm not sure since I haven't played with pushing an FX. Some kids are even using Opteron's to over clock this I don't get and even know one kid who has had nothing but problems doing so.

QUOTE by ramy
"Sorry but your wrong. Intel products now are much more powerful and faster than AMD."

Sorry good buddy but you are wrong this is scientifically proven through personal fare testing in a real application environment, not benchmark crap, and can not be disputed, it's a fact jack. If the Intel would have done what I expected and beat the 939 socket AMD hands done I might have then tested it against an AM2 series but there was no need to do so. When or if Intel gets better and doesn't gouge for their product I will become a believer but until then sorry can't jump onboard. Ramy, I'd stick with football if I was you.

I knew knocking Intel would get some of you going, unfortunately Intel lovers are like cult members it doesn't matter how much better another product is or that it is cheaper for the power they will stand by the sinking ship all the way to the bottom.
QUOTE by joedekock
1. "I get my information from being in the profession"
2. "as I heard that the core2 duo's could easily handle it without breaking a sweat"

One is a contradiction of two as two is hearsay. I work on PC's everyday and have built and tested more in a month or two then you probably have dealt with in your life time, I've been doing this for several years and have worked with mainframes, workstations, servers, and PC's for 25+ years. I too have heard that the new Core2 Dou's are more easily over clocked then the old Pentiums, not comparing them to AMD though. I believe this is true however I haven't tried it or compared what I can do with an Intel versus an AMD processor now. I have played around with several AMD's over clocking them and you can push them pretty far, I have pushed them 1GHz although heating and power become a problem and as I've already stated you are just asking for problems. Gamers seem to like the FX chip because it can be pushed extremely far, how far I'm not sure since I haven't played with pushing an FX. Some kids are even using Opteron's to over clock this I don't get and even know one kid who has had nothing but problems doing so.

QUOTE by ramy
"Sorry but your wrong. Intel products now are much more powerful and faster than AMD."

Sorry good buddy but you are wrong this is scientifically proven through personal fare testing in a real application environment, not benchmark crap, and can not be disputed, it's a fact jack. If the Intel would have done what I expected and beat the 939 socket AMD hands done I might have then tested it against an AM2 series but there was no need to do so. When or if Intel gets better and doesn't gouge for their product I will become a believer but until then sorry can't jump onboard. Ramy, I'd stick with football if I was you.

I knew knocking Intel would get some of you going, unfortunately Intel lovers are like cult members it doesn't matter how much better another product is or that it is cheaper for the power they will stand by the sinking ship all the way to the bottom.

Well I did a search and can't find any of the articles I read a few months back where Intel was beating AMD in all tests except power consumption. And before you go spouting off stuff you should know that just because I am the mod for the Sports forum doesn't mean I don't anything about computers. I am in fact a Computer Programmer and PC Tech in my real job. Also I have both an AMD and Intel comptuer so I get whatever is the best overall performing computer at the time.
QUOTE by joedekock
1. "I get my information from being in the profession"
2. "as I heard that the core2 duo's could easily handle it without breaking a sweat"

One is a contradiction of two as two is hearsay. I work on PC's everyday and have built and tested more in a month or two then you probably have dealt with in your life time, I've been doing this for several years and have worked with mainframes, workstations, servers, and PC's for 25+ years. I too have heard that the new Core2 Dou's are more easily over clocked then the old Pentiums, not comparing them to AMD though. I believe this is true however I haven't tried it or compared what I can do with an Intel versus an AMD processor now. I have played around with several AMD's over clocking them and you can push them pretty far, I have pushed them 1GHz although heating and power become a problem and as I've already stated you are just asking for problems. Gamers seem to like the FX chip because it can be pushed extremely far, how far I'm not sure since I haven't played with pushing an FX. Some kids are even using Opteron's to over clock this I don't get and even know one kid who has had nothing but problems doing so.

QUOTE by ramy
"Sorry but your wrong. Intel products now are much more powerful and faster than AMD."

Sorry good buddy but you are wrong this is scientifically proven through personal fare testing in a real application environment, not benchmark crap, and can not be disputed, it's a fact jack. If the Intel would have done what I expected and beat the 939 socket AMD hands done I might have then tested it against an AM2 series but there was no need to do so. When or if Intel gets better and doesn't gouge for their product I will become a believer but until then sorry can't jump onboard. Ramy, I'd stick with football if I was you.

I knew knocking Intel would get some of you going, unfortunately Intel lovers are like cult members it doesn't matter how much better another product is or that it is cheaper for the power they will stand by the sinking ship all the way to the bottom.

Don't make assumptions about what you do is more or better than what I do unless you know what you are talking about. I own an IT solutions firm that services hundreds of business as their only IT support and management. I bought the company when it was going under. It was going under because they were more heavily into building PC's than actual networking solutions. So if you are in the PC building business, I find it hard to believe you are actually making any money in it. I had to completely phase that part of the business out and move into where the money is.

So you either build PC's as a hobby and have lots of money to just throw around to build "more PC's in a month or two than I have built in a lifetime", or you are just blowing complete smoke out your rear. Unlike you I do not assume, so I will let you rebut if you wish. Otherwise you are outnumbered here by two people who work in the computer business who are calling you out.
Hey man, have you set down your cpu ?
Here I'd like to introduce a cpu to you the (Intel BX80557E6400) ,this cpu got pretty decent reviews form users :
It's specifications are nice also :
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 ,architecture: 65nm, LGA775 ,
Cache: 2MB L2 Cache ,clock speed: 2.13GHz ,front Side Bus: 1066MHz .
And right now the price has dropped a lot , a recent deal is only for $150 :
I think this is a good choice for you . Hope this helps anyway .
1st) Just because you own an IT solutions company doesn't necessarily qualify you as an expert, not to say that you are not knowledgeable in the field, you just don't deal directly with product and customer problems. The president of the company I work for knows enough to be dangerous and is really a marketing strong person, not technically savvy, and that's OK.

2nd) I support end users and people like yours to provide solutions to problems and to fix their equipment. Normally when I get a call from a self professed IT professional I cringe and an amazed at their true lack of hardware knowledge amongst other stuff.

3rd) The fact that my company is growing, a channel partner, and we average at least 300 machines a day if not more would mandate that the company is viable. We also have opened up our field to territories that others have not touched on like portable clusters which run on Linux or Windows, Linux being much better of course. Basically we are the 2nd biggest custom builder in the US and growing. To bad you couldn't make yours fly.

Bottom line: My assumption and statement is true. :D

For everyone else sorry for the side track and waste of your time since this is all needless bickering.
1st) Just because you own an IT solutions company doesn't necessarily qualify you as an expert, not to say that you are not knowledgeable in the field, you just don't deal directly with product and customer problems. The president of the company I work for knows enough to be dangerous and is really a marketing strong person, not technically savvy, and that's OK.

2nd) I support end users and people like yours to provide solutions to problems and to fix their equipment. Normally when I get a call from a self professed IT professional I cringe and an amazed at their true lack of hardware knowledge amongst other stuff.

3rd) The fact that my company is growing, a channel partner, and we average at least 300 machines a day if not more would mandate that the company is viable. We also have opened up our field to territories that others have not touched on like portable clusters which run on Linux or Windows, Linux being much better of course. Basically we are the 2nd biggest custom builder in the US and growing. To bad you couldn't make yours fly.

Bottom line: My assumption and statement is true. :D

For everyone else sorry for the side track and waste of your time since this is all needless bickering.

I may be the owner/president, but with a staff of 11, of which are techs, my time is in the field as well. I do know what I am talking about. Yes, just because I own a solutions company I know what I am talking about. Why else would I be in the business? Do you by a television from a car dealership? No, you by a television from an electronics store because they know what they are talking about when it comes to helping you with televisions.

Any way, I am not going to try and change your mind, and you are not going to change mine. So lets call a truce on that! :)

I am glad to hear that your company is actually making it with building and selling pc's. In today's market that is incredible. I wish your company the best. My company is a Dell partner. So we sell all our clients Dell desktops. We sell Dell laptops to most of our clients who need laptops, but we just got approval from Lenovo to start selling their product, which I like more than the Dell's. I am also going to look into seeing if I can be a re-seller for Toughbooks as well. We need to remain a partnet with dell however, because we love their server products hand down compared to others.

As I said before, we got out of making PC's, but we still do them occasionally for our high end Cad clients. It just makes more sense to custom build them because we know exactly what goes into them
joedekock, you won't like Lenovo's when you start working with them. We have them at the State of WV and they sucks, even the new ones have had hardware problems right out of the box.
joedekock, you won't like Lenovo's when you start working with them. We have them at the State of WV and they sucks, even the new ones have had hardware problems right out of the box.

Really? We demoed a couple of the tablets for a doctors office we want to use them for, and we seemed to like them so far. What sort of hardware issues are you having?

We need to find an alternative besides selling Dell's. We have been a Dell re-seller for four years now, and they are having issues with production. Some of the laptops we order for clients are being pushed back a month or more. And their intel chip PC's for sure have been having issues with certain antivirus software... they spontaneously re-boot!

We though Michael Dell going back into the big seat was going to be a good thing.
We haven't had any problems with the Laptops. The desktops are the ones that have problems. Out of 100, 10 of them didn't boot up, 8 had problems where they would just continously reboot.
We haven't had any problems with the Laptops. The desktops are the ones that have problems. Out of 100, 10 of them didn't boot up, 8 had problems where they would just continously reboot.

I've been a computer/SOHO network tech since about the middle of 1998 - one problem that still gives me the fits is the infamous "spontaneous reboot" issue. As for the Intel vs. AMD thing, I personally own systems with both and I really don't have a preference towards one or the other since I really haven't noticed a performance difference across similar product lines (cores, fsb speed, cache, price). Disclaimer : The only gaming my computers see is via MAME and various other emulators. I game mainly on, well, see below.
We haven't had any problems with the Laptops. The desktops are the ones that have problems. Out of 100, 10 of them didn't boot up, 8 had problems where they would just continously reboot.

The continuous re-boot issue sounds like the old E-Machine trick! They had horrible power supplies. They would re-boot and shutdown continuously. But the best trick they could do was boot up from a powered off state on their own! If you had one of those you had a gem! :)

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