New Carbon Interface on Hopper with Sling - positives and negatives

Any one else see drastic storage changes for Hopper w Sling? I went from 30% full to 70% full on my storage after upgrade. The percentages matched after update initially, but then jumped up overnight. I even deleted quite a bit to ensure it wasn't some error beforehand.

Is it now reserving space for some feature I need to turn off? I never used the feature to record 6 shows at once (including the main networks) before. Assuming that is PTAT. Perhaps that's turned on & blocking off HDD space?

IIRC a certain portion of the HDD is reserved for VOD & PTAT.

No way the upgrade itself took up that much HDD space.

After upgrade PTAT is automatically set to on. Try turning it off and see if that returns it to the 30% within a day.
I don't think that PTAT being on would cause the storage to go from 30% to 70%. I have a HWS, and after the CUI upgrade I did not see much change in my remaining disk space. I have always had PTAT turned on. I think something else is causing the issue.
Thanks. I turned off PTAT so it doesn't record more. Was in a bit of a rush, will manually delete everything it recorded & see where it lands later.

If you always had it turned on, I wouldn't expect much of a change. I had it off beforehand, if it then started recording all prime time shows across 4 networks once upgraded, could've been it... I hope so anyway! Hope it's not bad HDD sectors...

My better half was just changing the channel earlier and the box crashed. Only the 2nd time it's ever crashed.
Well, deleted 98 PTAT recordings. Whoa. No luck. Seemed to update that overnight last round so I'll check again later.

Is there maybe a possibility it was just wrong beforehand? Seems too fishy it corresponds with update.

Isn't there a way for to look at HDD usage, or at least view total hours recorded? I could then compare those results with you guys. Was in a rush again, but couldn't quickly find it under menu. Appreciate the help!
Jagosaurus, The reason that I don't think that PTAT being on would cause the storage to go from 30% to 70% is because my HWS hard drive is 27% full, and I have always had PTAT on. Right now, with PTAT on and 81 additional recordings, my drive is only 27% full.
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Jagosaurus, The reason that I don't think that PTAT being on would cause the storage to go from 30% to 70% is because my HWS hard drive is 27% full, and I have always had PTAT on. Right now, with PTAT on and 81 additional recordings, my drive is only 27% full.

That's different though because you always had PTAT on. They had it off before updating and sometime after the update they when they went to play a recording they saw it went up significantly and saw PTAT was now on. I'm assuming it had time to record prime time and therefore that explains the increase. I know on my receiver PTAT can take up a lot of space depending on how many PTAT shows there was that week.

Deleting what PTAT recorded and emptying the trash folder/menu SHOULD bring the usage down at least somewhat.
Yes, it should definitely bring the usage down. However, based on my HWS data, I don't see how PTAT recordings can use 40% of his drive. It does not matter that I already had PTAT turned on. The fact is that with PTAT on, and 81 additional recordings, my HWS hard drive is only 27% full. Based on that, it does not seem logical that his PTAT recordings would make his drive go from 30% to 70% full.

I am not saying that it is not possible, I have seen strange things happen, but it just does not seem logical based on my HWS.
I have often found that when I delete a bunch of programs that the % only significantly lowers after the nightly update.

That's what I'm hoping. Will update you after the nightly update.

Reboot the receiver and the number may adjust some more

Rebooted today after the random crash. That was before I turned off PTAT, delete recordings, & emptied trash though.

Updates to comes. Hopefully that fixed the issue.

Can anyone with PTAT off give me a comparison of number of hours recorded compared to HDD usage. Assuming most of that is HD on a HWS.
CUI may impress new subs. But it's lost functionality. Released too soon, IMHO. But this is the single thing that has gotten me seriously considering dropping down to the minimum, and doing the Hauppage thing and finding our entertainment thru streaming and online.

And I generally LIKE Dish!
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Ahhhhhh, the piece 'O crap CUI is upon me again and there is nothing i can do about it. Anyone can look up my complaints about the CUI and the H3 on this site. Its a downgrade and if anyone says its not is either lying or deluded. After "upgrading" back to two HWS's and paying the new rates back in the spring 2016 for the privilege, I'm ready to ditch Dish after 21 years. 21 years.
Its been three days since i accidentally pushed the "upgrade overnight" button and every time i hit the guide button im greeted by a stuck screen up by the sports channels. And O. the thing i paid for to go back to the HWS's is gone. When i hit the swap button im greeted by a black screen for a second and then a Freakin banner showing me the channel im swapping to . With the old UI on the HWS it was instantaneous. No Lag, like switching channels on an old analog tv.
Since i already pay 12 dollars per box- since the "upgrade" back to the HWS, if Dish doesn't give me two H3s-as god awful as the CUI is. im ready to cut the cord and move on.
P.S. Since the new CUI downloaded, my sat box has either reset itself or ive had to do a RBR several times daily. Just like when i got my new H3. My 87 year old father couldn't watch tv because of all the reboots. Which is the another reason i had to go back to two HWS's
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This morning I got up early as Dish is coming between 8-12. Started more EHD transfers and wanted to watch the morning CBS News, which records at 5am. Went to DVR - not there. Go to Guide, shows it's recording, Select and then zip back to the beginning. OK...

7am and the end of the recording happens and another one begins. Now I go to the DVR. The CBS recordings says 3 and on the side it shows 7/8 as the newest one. Select, and it's not there, just the earlier two. Checked Trash, just in case, and No.

Went in and out of DVR and no change. Unfortunately I have a very comfy cat on my lap, so I can't check from either of the Joeys.

And it's slow as molasses. Good thing the H3 is coming soon.

Ideas, or just another example of software not working properly?

BTW, there's a Transfer to EHD proceeding at the moment, in case that affect it.
CUI may impress new subs. But it's lost functionality. Released too soon...
I have been with Dish for about 20 years, and I have found that after releasing a major software update, it takes Dish about a year before the software stabilizes enough to be acceptable, and another year to get (most of) the rest of the problem issues solved. Then, when the software is pretty stable, that is about the time that Dish thinks the interface needs to be updated again.

Saying that our Hoppers were going to be updated with CUI, and after more than a whole year passed, Dish probably felt like they couldn't wait any longer and had to release the CUI. I think we were lucky that Dish waited over a year before forcing the CUI on all of us.

Too bad the programming guide issues and the new CUI both occurred at the same time... kind of compounds our adapting to the new interface.
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Then, when the software is pretty stable, that is about the time that Dish thinks the interface needs to be updated again.
I'm curious, which line of receivers have gotten interface changes (similar to the original Hopper software to the CUI software) ?
I'm curious, which line of receivers have gotten interface changes (similar to the original Hopper software to the CUI software) ?
None that I can remember. Sorry, I should have said: Then when the software is stable, Dish releases a new receiver with a new interface and new problems start.
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