New Carbon Interface on Hopper with Sling - positives and negatives

Some specs:

Hopper 1 - 750mhz, 768mb RAM, CPU @ 1700 DMIPS (instructions per second)
Hopper 2 (w/Sling) - 1.3ghz, 2gb RAM, CPU @ 3000 DMIPS
Hopper 3 - 1.5ghz quad-core, ??gb RAM, CPU @ 21,000 DMIPS

I'm not sure how many CPU cores the H1 and H2 have but based on their DMIPS value, they are most likely single-core. That's why there's a 7x increase between the 2 and 3 with only a 0.2 ghz increase in clock speed.

Edit: Removed the "64" gb RAM reference for the H3

What about the internal HD size?

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That number sure does seem high to me but I found it referenced by a couple different places. Of course, they may have been copying text from each other.... This page,, directly from Dish mentions the HopperGo having 64gb of flash memory and I suspect someone got things confused.

Yeah...I'm betting the 64GB reference is purely for the HopperGo storage, and not actually the RAM in the H3.
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Hopper w/Sling
40.0 remote in UHF mode
Washington DC Suburbs

  • Guide - Lag with information display
    • 3 second lag on top of information display when hitting select to go into a channel/program that's highlighted
      In Guide - arrow'd down three channels hit select, and it wasn't until after the guide had updated to show that channels' information before it would change.

    • general lag - before, I could cause the guide to quickly jump to local range by doing 00900 and the guide would jump there nearly instantly, now its a lag of about 2 seconds regardless, the same as any other attempt to jump the guide in channels displayed.

      This lag only existed before, when you'd type a channel number that *did* have a -xx side channel indicator (like local digitals). So like before, if I'd only type 009 the system would pause while it decided if you were going to put something else in, then jump to cbs channel 9

    • Lag lag lag ... :( page up/page down, anything guide related is noticeably slower, even up/down arrowing :( the only good thing about this appears to be that it drops the input that it can't handle.

      example, go into guide, press the page down then page up back and forth repeatedly ... you will see it drop key presses as the guide tries to keep up with any recent key press. Dropping the additional key presses means you can't press X key a number of times (say arrow down) knowing how many you would have pressed before to get to a spot in the guide.

      The good in that, is if you stop pressing the page up/page down and back and forth, you're not left waiting for the guide to stop jumping because the buffer had filled with like 10 or 20 key presses before it responds to something else.
  • Guide - waste of space by moving current highlighted information to the right side, could've had 3 hr 4 hr or even 5 hour guide options instead

  • *it* (the update) turned on PTAT (argg!!! and of course new menus to dig to find it)
    if you go into DVR you have to go into PTAT before the red "options" button gives you a settings selection which lets you go and turn it off

    otherwise on the first "menu" screen is a PTAT that takes you into the recordings, you'd have to go into settings then the PTAT there before finding the

  • loss of multi-speed slow, now its either 1/4 or frame or pause/still, no 1/15th ? or what ever speed it was.
    and attempting to hit FF once jumped to 15x, before it was pause -> 1/15th -> 1/4th -> 1 -> ? (thought there was a 2 or 4 x then 15)
  • Closed Captions - Is it me or have they suddenly gotten 2 steps ahead? I started to notice this in Netflix last night after the upgrade. The words on the screen showing up before said, sometimes too early. Alternatively they were they just super slowed on the previous version?

    watching Marvel's The Avengers on FX, Colson has a line and ends with "super safe" .. to which Thor is going to respond "Thank you" and the "thank you" is on screen just as Colson says "super safe"

    there's lots of this .. a 7 or 8 word sentence on and gone, replaced by someone's response before the sentence is finished, and well before the "responder" is in frame to say their response.

    other thought it maybe its one of the different CC options, and like the update turning on PTAT maybe it also changed which CC option?provider? it was on? and here's where the # and ? in the menu show their weaknesses ... no depth. You get a surface type answer, but no additional information. The receiver is on the internet, I could hope it would have either given additional information about the difference in the CC providers .. I see it starting at 1, then 0, 2 ~ 6 ... or a link that I could select on screen or choose to copy to put into a web browser (a QR code to make it easier for cell phones, but not as the only option to show more info) or even a reminder "go to to see more..."
That's what I thought. So if and when significant amounts of 4k programming become available, the number of shows capable of being stored on the H3 will drop.

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And that is where the multiple EHD capabilities will become very handy. I have the complete 4K Planet Earth series sitting on my EHD. I see no reason to store it on the H3.
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And that is where the multiple EHD capabilities will become very handy. I have the complete 4K Planet Earth series sitting on my EHD. I see no reason to store it on the H3.

That's reasonable for specials and one offs but if the networks ever start offering prime time shows in 4k, and that programming is made available to us, then the amount of internal HD storage becomes a problem.

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After watching a DVR'd program on the Hopper where it is stored the option to delete works fine. If you're watching content on 1 Hopper from another Hopper then the option doesn't work.

That's how it works on mine anyway. :)

Same thing with my 2 H1s both running CUI. I guess they figured since you can only have one H3, there was no need to delete cross-hoppers.

Sent from my iPad using the SatelliteGuys app!
That's reasonable for specials and one offs but if the networks ever start offering prime time shows in 4k, and that programming is made available to us, then the amount of internal HD storage becomes a problem.

That's true, but between the slow 4K adoption of both Dish and the programmers, we'll probably end up with a Hopper 4 and a Hopper 5 by then. :D
You right about that when is dish going to start adding 4k channels then why in the first place there is a hopper 3 that is suppose to do ultra 4k by then you are right when dish will add a hopper 4 and 5 by then when there will be more 4k.
That's true, but between the slow 4K adoption of both Dish and the programmers, we'll probably end up with a Hopper 4 and a Hopper 5 by then. :D
So if and when significant amounts of 4k programming become available
You said it, "if" it becomes available. I wouldn't count on it. Besides, I'm not so sure that the Hopper's satellite tuner can process 4K resolution. That's why there's a 4K Joey, isn't it ?
I thought there was some 4K programming but wasn't sure how they 'delivered' it. I don't have a 4K TV so I don't care or pay it any attention.
wow ... anyone have other hoppers in their set-up, and that don't have the update on them? And have you tried using them?

now I'm really wishing I could downgrade back to the old.. maybe it will go better once the other DVR is updated, but oh my god is it horrible!

What I would do normally ... connect to second DVR go to PTAT, highlight a show, and select "start over"

More Cons:
  • First, can't start over a show that's currently being recorded in PTAT on other DVR? (or couldn't find a way to do so)

  • just in getting to start watching a remote PTAT show ... more clicks, and worst part, once I'm on the tile of the show that's actively recording I have no on screen buttons to select to start or join watching .. I had to go up to the Episodes tab, come down to the episode that is currently being recorded, press select on it, and THEN it gives me the option to "watch" (no start over)

  • PTAT - on remote DVR no grouping by Network?

  • first time into other DVR, it shows the other dvr as 47% full, but there are NO SHOWS VISIBLE! What the!?!!

  • LAG .. oh my GOD does it lag ... first time into PTAT on remote DVR, no lie, 20+ seconds after already getting to the other DVR, before you can even attempt to go into play a recording?? (no lie, no exaggeration I have a video of it)

    resting on the PTAT icon, I hit select to go into ptat, arrow right to Top Chef, hit select, and the information you see, is the information of the very first show that was listed in PTAT. It took, on first entry into Top Chef it took 18+ seconds to get just to the information of the show.

    subsequent timing going up one level, back to the first icon, waiting for it's info to show, and then back into Top Chef, was faster, but still .. this lag was never this bad before! Just entering PTAT takes 3 to 5 seconds.

  • whole home dvr .. extremely not pleased.
    tried a shortcut .. DVR -> Sources -> other DVR -> PTAT -> arrow to show, press play - nothing but black screen.

    Hit info, still shows the wrong show's information, gives me the option to "watch from start" selected it and back to black screen I go ... 20 ~ 40 seconds later I started seeing Closed Captions appearing on screen, no audio, and still black for where the video should be.

    info at this time tells me its on the wrong show .. not the show I highlighted, but the show that was first displayed when I entered into PTAT on the other DVR. so shortcut isn't to press play while highlighting the show .. unless it would start once the entire dvr information updated?

    update: nope.. waited this time on PTAT screen, highlight was on abc's Speechless, once the info changed (again 5 or more seconds waiting) I pressed play, and then that "play bug" someone else reported shows.. I hit info, I've got *no* options to start over, etc..

AND NOW!! Something's going wrong, because when I selected to "watch" the F word on PTAT on my other DVR, it won't let me backup, etc... come to find out .. its continuing to drop me back to my local DVR, putting me on to channel 5 (fox) as if in live mode!

WTF dish .. this sucks!

OMG It just came to me .. this is the worst software update I've seen .. and the very first thing that comes to mind .. is the kind of garbage we'd hear about peoples' experience with the 922 receivers .. seeing this update, on my hopper w/sling, which was working perfectly normal before, clearly suggests to me the problem wasn't the hard ware then or now, and that this update is absolute sh*t.
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wow ... anyone have other hoppers in their set-up, and that don't have the update on them? And have you tried using them?

now I'm really wishing I could downgrade back to the old.. maybe it will go better once the other DVR is updated, but oh my god is it horrible!

What I would do normally ... connect to second DVR go to PTAT, highlight a show, and select "start over"

More Cons:
  • First, can't start over a show that's currently being recorded in PTAT on other DVR? (or couldn't find a way to do so)

  • just in getting to start watching a remote PTAT show ... more clicks, and worst part, once I'm on the tile of the show that's actively recording I have no on screen buttons to select to start or join watching .. I had to go up to the Episodes tab, come down to the episode that is currently being recorded, press select on it, and THEN it gives me the option to "watch" (no start over)

  • PTAT - on remote DVR no grouping by Network?

  • first time into other DVR, it shows the other dvr as 47% full, but there are NO SHOWS VISIBLE! What the!?!!

  • LAG .. oh my GOD does it lag ... first time into PTAT on remote DVR, no lie, 20+ seconds after already getting to the other DVR, before you can even attempt to go into play a recording?? (no lie, no exaggeration I have a video of it)

    resting on the PTAT icon, I hit select to go into ptat, arrow right to Top Chef, hit select, and the information you see, is the information of the very first show that was listed in PTAT. It took, on first entry into Top Chef it took 18+ seconds to get just to the information of the show.

    subsequent timing going up one level, back to the first icon, waiting for it's info to show, and then back into Top Chef, was faster, but still .. this lag was never this bad before! Just entering PTAT takes 3 to 5 seconds.

  • whole home dvr .. extremely not pleased.
    tried a shortcut .. DVR -> Sources -> other DVR -> PTAT -> arrow to show, press play - nothing but black screen.

    Hit info, still shows the wrong show's information, gives me the option to "watch from start" selected it and back to black screen I go ... 20 ~ 40 seconds later I started seeing Closed Captions appearing on screen, no audio, and still black for where the video should be.

    info at this time tells me its on the wrong show .. not the show I highlighted, but the show that was first displayed when I entered into PTAT on the other DVR. so shortcut isn't to press play while highlighting the show .. unless it would start once the entire dvr information updated?

    update: nope.. waited this time on PTAT screen, highlight was on abc's Speechless, once the info changed (again 5 or more seconds waiting) I pressed play, and then that "play bug" someone else reported shows.. I hit info, I've got *no* options to start over, etc..

AND NOW!! Something's going wrong, because when I selected to "watch" the F word on PTAT on my other DVR, it won't let me backup, etc... come to find out .. its continuing to drop me back to my local DVR, putting me on to channel 5 (fox) as if in live mode!

WTF dish .. this sucks!

OMG It just came to me .. this is the worst software update I've seen .. and the very first thing that comes to mind .. is the kind of garbage we'd hear about peoples' experience with the 922 receivers .. seeing this update, on my hopper w/sling, which was working perfectly normal before, clearly suggests to me the problem wasn't the hard ware then or now, and that this update is absolute sh*t.

I had a mixed pair of H1s for awhile and it was really bad. Dish "upgraded" one hopper and all my Joeys one night but left one H1 on the old UI. The Joeys paired to the hopper with the old UI could not get an updated program guide. After about two weeks waiting for Dish to upgrade the remaining hopper, I just bit the bullet and initiated the download myself.

Through trial and error, and scouring Sat Guys for tricks and tips, I finally got things to work, more or less.

Sent from my iPad using the SatelliteGuys app!

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