New Batman Game leaked, to be announced today.

Looks like WB is planning on selling the PC version again soon... no date set though. I think it's safe to say that they need to release another patch or 2 before this game can be sold again.

Whoever wrote that article should stop listening to the recommended settings from GeForce and just crank them up. I am only running off one 970 because SLI support still hasn't been patched into that game and I have everything cranked to max except for the Nvidia Gameworks fog and my FPS is in the 70s. Unless the rest of his hardware is subpar there is no reason for him to be running medium settings.

Outside of the lack of SLI support I mentioned earlier I don't really have any problems with the PC port at this point. I am glad to see it go back on sale soon so I can start getting some of the season pass content I paid for and maybe a free copy of Mad Max as an apology.
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It's just weird all around. When the game first hit I saw people with better rigs than my own getting worse performance than myself. Maybe part of that stemmed from the fact that I installed on my SSD and others used a HDD, but I saw people like Jim Sterling who has a Titan (or at least a 970) getting an ungodly amount of stuttering while he played. But as I've said, I'm not even going to delve back into Arkham until it gets put back on sale and also once my log of games dies down, and according to GF I'm good until 2016 (Although sadly also according to GF they haven't received either of my games that I've returned, so I'm not looking forward to having to report 2 lost games..)
WB released a news update. They said they're planning on releasing the next big patch to fix the game and put it back on Steam by the end of October. Oh, and all the DLC that's been out for consoles will be out as well (thank GOD for that!) Assuming there's not another delay, this will mark nearly 100 days that the PC version has been in an unplayable/unsellable state. I also highly recommend you look at the comments. You'll see a very common theme, and I have to say I share at least part of the sentiment. Oh, and still NO word about any sort of retribution or goodwill towards gamers that were conned into buying this game.
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WB has given out the rest of the Season Pass schedule.

In case you were wondering, NO, there's NO word AT ALL about the PC version being re-released, OR anything in terms of restitution for those screwed over by this game.

They said it would be for sale again by then end of October so I guess they still have two weeks to make good on that promise. It's still disappointing how quiet they have been about such a long delay though.

Edit: That actually looks a ton of content still to come by season pass standards. Unfortunately for season pass owners on PC, like myself, they still haven't released any of the season pass content. The game is perfectly playable for me but even if I were finished with it I would still be waiting for my the season pass content I paid for back in June.
Game still needs at least one endless predator scene, and Custom Map Modifiers

Map Modifiers is what kept me playing Arkham City well beyond 200% completion
And let's also not forget these not only effected Predator Mode, but Combat Mode as well.

Why were they removed from Arkham Knight?!?! Please give these back!!

Combat fans got endless combat maps and the return of proper 4 round challenges..
Game still needs at least one endless predator scene, and Custom Map Modifiers

Map Modifiers is what kept me playing Arkham City well beyond 200% completion
And let's also not forget these not only effected Predator Mode, but Combat Mode as well.

Why were they removed from Arkham Knight?!?! Please give these back!!

Combat fans got endless combat maps and the return of proper 4 round challenges..

The thing I didn't like about the challenge stuff is that Arkham Knight only lets you play them as Batman when you could definitely use Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing in Arkham City. What was the point of all these cool character skins for all of these characters that come with the DLC if you can only play as Batman?

Thankfully character selection in combat challenges is one of the things on schedule to be added this month. I just don't understand why that wasn't there from the start. The thing I'm not clear on is whether character selection is a patch for everyone or if this is something season pass owners bought. It's in the list on IGN alongside all the other DLC. I can't imagine them putting something like that behind a paywall though.

Edit: From the link directly to the WB forums yourbeliefs posted challenge mode character selection is listed under the free updates section. That's good to see. The formatting IGN used for this list wasn't as clear.
PC version coming back on October 28. And for those of you who were STUPID enough to get the game at launch, you get to eat sh*t and enjoy it because they're offering NOTHING as a goodwill piece because WBIE is apparently made up of the the same group of people in charge of getting Qatar ready for the World Cup.
For the re-release of Arkham Knight, if you get the game before November 16 (or bought it at launch) you get:
  • Free digital copies of games from the Batman: Arkham library.
  • The "Community Challenge Pack" DLC.
  • The Batman: Arkham inspired Team Fortress 2 items created by the Batman: Arkham community.
Well, this won't do much for me because I already own Arkham Asylum and City and have no interest in the other games nor the DLC. And people on Steam aren't exactly thrilled either because most people are like us that played the first 2/3 and thus have no need for them again. At this point I'm just exhausted and don't care anymore. I don't care if they sweeten the deal at this point. WBIE is a shoe-in for a brand new Game Award Category: Biggest F*ck up of the Year Award.

This sums it up pretty well:

Edit: Oh, it looks like they cut $10 off the game so now its $49.99. Way to go, WBIE..
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I feel for people who are still having problems but performance has been solid for me since the earlier patch. I have been getting rock solid 60 fps with maxed settings even with one of my GPUs disabled because their SLI profile wasn't ready.

I can't speak to other cards but the game runs very well on a 970 and the graphics are better than most PC games I have played.

Again, I'm not saying the game runs great for everyone but it is smooth on my hardware, it looks great, and it's the same fun gameplay as the rest of the series.

I understand why people would want to boycot WB games over this but they would be missing out on a pretty good game.

I will probably just continue to play games that look good regardless of who made them. I can tell you it will be quite a while before I preorder a WB game though. Their "sorry offer" is a joke because like yourbeliefs said, people who had Arkham Knight from day 1 probably already own the other games.
Well apparently WBIE is just saying, "F*ck it! You want your money back? FINE!" and offering full unconditional refunds through December 31. Not sure how this affects people like me who purchased via GMG.

Honestly as a result of this I'm going to beat the game in December when things die down and then just get a refund. Normally I'm against such practices, but I'm also against the practice of knowingly releasing a game in Early Access status and charging $60 for it and then offering games that everyone already has as a reprieve. And even with this, it's a bitter thing because I'll be playing it on a sub-par level, one of that which is likely equal to consoles. I didn't pay what I did for my rig to play games that are on par with consoles. I did so so I'd get a better experience than consoles. At the end of the day we just wanted a game that worked. I think this will go down as one of (if not the) worst AAA PC port of all time.
I'm in a slightly different situation since I got the game free with a my free GTX 970. I did take advantage of their $30 pre-order price point on the season pass for people who owned the base game on Steam though.

I would probably keep the game and refund the season pass if that was an option but it looks like you have to refund the game in order to refund the season pass. Since I am enjoying the game and it runs well on my PC I don't want to do that and I guess there is a chance I will get to the season pass content at some point anyways. Oh well, I guess the grand total of $30 I paid for the full package of this game isn't a bad price anyways.
Oh well, I guess the grand total of $30 I paid for the full package of this game isn't a bad price anyways.

And probably in 12 months that's what the "full package" version will cost, because lord knows not many people will jump on the vanilla PC version at $50.

It really is sad to end the trilogy on such a down note. I mean I LOVE Arkham Asylum, and City was quite good too, and to see them drop the ball like this SO BADLY is just insane. I mean I work in software development (not nearly as complex as these games) but if I released something on par to these releases, I wouldn't have a job anymore. And my stuff only goes out to a few thousand people. I can't imagine making something that's a massive piece of sh*t that MILLIONS of people find out about. I mean think about a time you really messed up on your job. Now imagine that hundreds of thousands of people know about it.

I can't WAIT to read the post-mortem about this whole situation. I picture a scenario more juicy than the Aliens: Colonial Marines controversy. I bet Rocksteady got in WAY over their heads and were understaffed and underqualified to make such a massive game on newer hardware. And of course, publishers aren't the most sympathetic group in the world and constantly push on deadlines to keep production costs down, so I'm sure someone at WBIE just said, "Get the console versions working because those are the ones that will get the most sales. F*ck PC gamers because they're all just crooks anyways who like to pirate our sh*t." I can't think of many other reasons why they'd give it to a porting company with like 14 people in it.
Digital Foundry tried out some higher end video cards with the latest Arkham Knight release. The results weren't promising..

Digital Foundry tried out some higher end video cards with the latest Arkham Knight release. The results weren't promising..

Coincidentally I was actually playing Arkham Knight on a 970 last night. That was the card featured for the beginning of this video and again towards the end. The 970 did pretty well in their video holding 60 fps the majority of the time and when it did dip it was typically only to 58-59 fps and only for a couple seconds.

I'm actually getting slightly better results than that. Since SLI support still hasn't been added to the game I deactivate it when I want to play Arkham Knight and set my second 970 as a dedicated Physx card in the settings. With all settings maxed out except for Nvidia's interactive fog I am not seeing nearly as many drops as they even showed in the video for 970 users.

Since Arkham Knight relies so heavily on Nvidia's Physx this actually gives me a pretty big performance gain over anyone who only has one 970. It's still nowhere near as big of a performance gain as actual SLI support would give me but since I am able to hold 60 fps 99% of the time it doesn't bother me that much.

The biggest problem with the game for me is that I have to go into the Nvidia Control Panel every time I want to play it to disable SLI and set the second card to dedicated Physx. When I want to play any other game and take advantage of both of my GPUs I have to go back into the Nvidia Control Panel and enable SLI again. It's a pain in the ass.

If I leave SLI enabled I actually get much worse performance than they showed in the video for 970s. I get drops down to 25 fps in the Batmobile playing that way. This is because the game thinks I have 8GB of VRAM when it looks at both of my cards and even shows that I do in the graphics menu. If you know anything about SLI you know that VRAM isn't doubled because you have two cards. The same info has to be mirrored in the VRAM on both cards so they can each process the graphics. My two 970s in SLI still only gives me 4GB of VRAM but the game thinks I have 8. Supposedly games designed with DirectX 12 support will be able to use all 8GB.

I tested this again last night with SLI enabled and HWInfo running to give me exact stats on what was happening with my hardware while I was playing. HWInfo actually showed that 6.5GB out of 4GB of VRAM was being allocated for use on each card. The game was trying to write 1.5GB more data into VRAM than my GPUs can handle.

Disabling SLI makes the game show the correct 4GB of VRAM in the graphics settings and the game doesn't try to write more than this.

Like the video said, I can vouch that VRAM usage is the major reason for performance drops in this game in my case. HWInfo shows that even on 1 970 running the game my GPU core usage only average 45% on my main card and about 14% on the card dedicated to Physx. Even with this low core usage percentage I still can't play with Nvidia's interactive fog enabled because that causes my VRAM usage to go over 4GB and the game starts to drop major frames when this happens. The graphics settings claim interactive fog only puts me 100MB over my VRAM budget but the game stutters like crazy when it's active.

Even though the game is running well for me you shouldn't have to have a dedicated Physx card or go through this many hoops to get solid performance. You also shouldn't need a 970. Hopefully yourbeliefs is having a little better luck than the 2GB 960 referenced in this video since he has a 4GB model and VRAM seems to cause a bigger performance hit than processing power for this game.
Yeah I'm getting the feeling that I'm going to have to deal with either A: 30 FPS with slightly better than console graphics, or B: 60 FPS with noticeably worse than console graphics. And I don't attribute this to my card being significantly less powerful than the 970. Yes, 970 will always beat a 960, but 970 only does good because it's just so damn powerful (as it better be given how expensive it is.)

Hopefully they'll release a patch or 2 before December, which is when I'm going to plow through the game in time to then get a refund. I do have to say I am excited to try and get back into Arkham Knight. For the most part I was having fun while I was playing, but given what a mess it was I figured there was no point in playing at lesser quality knowing that it would be experiencing a significant upgrade (well, I guess significant was a relative term.)

I think DF said it best when they said, "Warner Brothers has recognized that people aren't happy and has offered to extend refunds until the end of the year. But really, we just want to see a brilliant game handled with the respect it deserves." I'd GLADLY trade the opportunity to basically play this game for free with the opportunity for WBIE to keep my money but deliver a game worthy of what it can be.
I'm hoping to finish the base game before I get hooked on Fallout 4.

I played the Harley Quinn DLC last night since they finally unlocked it for season pass owners. That was previously the only DLC available to PC owners because it was a pre-order bonus. For some reason, people who payed $40 for the season pass still weren't given access to this until recently though.

I also have access to the Red Hood story pack, Nightwing story pack, Batgirl story pack and a bunch of character and Batmobile skins. I'm using some of the skins but I will probably finish the base game before I play any more of the story DLC

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