the last letter on my mainboard # is G, I've had mine for 2 weeks
but anyway I just got of the phone with D tech support to report the problem in hope of a fix, the upside of that is he spoke English

no really he listened to what I had to say, sent a report to engineering (even read it back to me before he sent it) and at the end stumbled upon something that made me happy (even if that was after he hung up)
what made me happy was his question of if I had switched to single mode, I tried it and no audio on TV1 and audio on TV2. the suprise for me was HD and 5.1 on TV2 when in single mode
so now my main worry of watching the Gators play in HD on Saturday is a non-issue, I had already decided to watch the HD picture on TV 1 and tune TV2 to the same to pipe the audio in but this meant I could not flip during commercials
so in the interim (of hopefully they fix it) I can watch HD (with sound)
instructions if you need them
open the door on the right-hand side of the receiver
hit the mode button
on your TV1 remote hit PIP
Hit swap
you should now be watching pictures with sound