New and Confused


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 7, 2003
I am looking to buy a system and have been reading the forum and am confused.
I want a DVR receiver and than 1 or 2 other receivers. something like a 510 with a 301. I am now reading about all the new receivers.
I want to be able to record shows and it would be nice to have a remote that could be used from a long distance. Also it would be nice to be able to hook 2 TVs to the same receiver.
I will not be able to hook to a phone line which I understand is a requirement of the new DVR522.
What are your suggestions???
You can only get a 522 currently if you subscribe to Dish Networks DHP program, that means your leasing equipment you dont own it.

The 522 uses UHF Pro technology and the remote should work anywhere in your house.
Thank you Scott

I dont think the 522 would work anyway because of the phone connection and I want to own the equipment. What would you suggest for me???
You can get the 522 without a phone connection, they will charge you an additional $4.99 a month for the second tuner.

The best and the only thing you can do is buy a 510, although if you wanted to spend a few bucks now and save money over the life of your service you cab buy a 508 which is the same as a 510 just a slightly smaller hard drive and no monthly DVR fees.
Scott - Where can I get a 522?


As a newbie to these forums, I have been following all the discussions regarding the DVR522 with great interest. It appears that some readers already have one.

I have been calling Dish for a couple of months now, trying to buy/lease a 522. They tell me it is not available.

Do you know where one can acquire a DVR522?
You can NOT buy a 522, they are for new customers ONLY on their DHP lease plan.

The only dual tuner DVR Dish makes is the 721 and I understand there is a handful of unit left.

I do not expect the 522 to be made available for purchase to early to late spring, when the unit will be renamed the 523.
Not only would you have the second outlet fee on the second tuner but you would on the first tuner as well if you are adding this receiver to the ones you have now, plus you have the $4.99 DVR fee to add on top of that even if you already have a DVR receiver on your acccount. It could cost you as much as $14.97 per month extra for adding this receiver onto your account. Thats quite a bit and some may not expect that.

For someone that has $25 in programming trying to penny pinch it would not all of a sudden be $40, although if someone penny pinches they probably would not buy this receiver. Since its only available on DHP you have an additional $5 lease fee to add on top of that. For those that want DHP just to get this receiver it will end up costing you $20 by the time its all said and done unless you connect the phoneline up then its $15.

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