New 61.5 36 HD's show in guide but won't come in


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 14, 2009
Ayer, Ma
Ever since the new 61.5 went on line I no longer can lock on to TP's 2, 10,22, 27, 30, and 31. This means there are 36 HD's that I can't watch. Up until today I didn't receive enough signal on TP 20 to receive my RSN (NESN) although the signal, today, is barley 21 I am watching the end of the sox game
I'm guessing my dish needs to be peaked. Yes? Any advice before I call Dish

Ever since the new 61.5 went on line I no longer can lock on to TP's 2, 10,22, 27, 30, and 31. This means there are 36 HD's that I can't watch. Up until today I didn't receive enough signal on TP 20 to receive my RSN (NESN) although the signal, today, is barley 21 I am watching the end of the sox game
I'm guessing my dish needs to be peaked. Yes? Any advice before I call Dish


I am getting 61.5° TP 21 at 56%. On the other TP's you mention, I can lock in on them. They all read in the low to mid 40's.

I'd say, yes, you need a peak job.
I am getting 61.5° TP 21 at 56%. On the other TP's you mention, I can lock in on them. They all read in the low to mid 40's.

I'd say, yes, you need a peak job.

I thought so. So is it coincidence that this happened at the same time the new sat went on line? Have never had a issue like this in the past

hope u have the service plan :)

Yup I do.

Here is the transcript of the chat I just had about this issue. Of particular note is the conversation relating to the Eastern Arc Migration. The CSR has no clue as she kept referencing the 129 sat as part of EA and also telling me that all the HD would eventually come off of 61.5.

Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
Thank you for being a valued Dish Network customer. I will be happy to assist you today.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: How can I provide you with the best value and service today?
John Overcash: SInce Last Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 36 of the HD channels I am supposed to receive will not come in. They are all on one of the following transponders, 2, 10, 22, 27, 30, or 31. I am not receiving a strong enough signal on these transponders for receptio
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: I’m very sorry to hear that you are having an issue. I’d be happy to resolve that for you.
John Overcash: Thank you
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: In order to do proper troubleshooting we need you to have access to your equipment. Are you currently at home? If so, can you see your television screen from where you are at now?
John Overcash: yes
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: These channels, are they your locals, or higher satellite channels?
John Overcash: they are all higher channels begining at 107 and going at least to 434
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: I see ok.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Do you get any error messages?
John Overcash: I must be clear it is not ALL of the HD only ones that broadcast on the transponders i mentioned
John Overcash: yes hold on and I will get it for you
John Overcash: I get error 002
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Thank you very much.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Have you experienced any severe weather, moved any of the equipment, or noticed any other changes that may have caused this problem?
John Overcash: No. As I mentioned this all began last week. I understand that a new satilite went on line at the 61.5 orbital location, on August 3. These problems began at the same time. I thought it might have something to do with that that is why I have waited a week to contact dish
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: OK, one moment please.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: You do need out 129 satellite signal for all the HD, we do have what is called an Eastern arc Migration. But when you go to this migration, so you can get the 129 satellite signal, you can only have HD equipment on your account.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: So I can tell you about the specials we have For account security purposes, can you please verify the last 4 of the SSN on the account? Or the 4 digit pin number you created on your account?
John Overcash: 4117
John Overcash: I beleive the eastern arc is 61.5, 72.7 and 77. 129 is too low in the sky for my location
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Eventually you will need to do the migration, the 61.5 will be eliminated.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: I have a great promotion for you.
John Overcash: please tell me about the specials you referenced.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Congratulations, you qualify for the Free Receiver Existing Customer Lease Program. You can get a HD DUO (to replace your 322) receiver for FREE and a technician visit for $15 with a credit card qualification and a 24 month commitment. Would you like to take advantage of this offer today?
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: With this you will also get a new DISH for the new signal.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Your bill will not change at all.
John Overcash: I'm not so sure that I want to make a 24 month commitment. Can we just have a tech come out and check my exisitng dish alignment and peak it so that I can receive the HD's that I was receiving last Monday, but can't receive now...
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Sure, we can do troubleshooting.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: We just ahve one test to run.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: *have
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Have you been able to check your connections on the back of the box, and make sure they are working?
John Overcash: yes, when this trouble began I double checked all my connections, did a hard reset, and did a check switch
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Do you remember what you saw on the screen when you ran the check switch?
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Do you know how many it was testing like 1 of 1 or 4 of 4?
John Overcash: Yes. It showed testing (there were 3 tests) and then it showed green OK under each sat
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Ok, thank you very much.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: To confirm you did not get any warning message, saying few satellites were detected, correct/
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: *?
John Overcash: correct, no warning
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: And you still have the 002 message, on some of those HD channels is that correct as well?
John Overcash: yes, 36 channels to be exact
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: The technician Visit fee is $15, The earliest date I have for your Technician Visit is 08/11 between 8am-12pm. Is that ok for you? Is someone over the age of 18 going to be home during this time?
John Overcash: yes
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: I have ########## AYER MA 01432, correct? Will you identify two major cross streets near your home to help the installer in finding your house?
John Overcash: main st is the only one
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: I have your primary phone number listed as ##########. The technician will provide a courtesy call the day of the Technician Visit to provide you with a better estimate of their arrival time. Do you have an alternate number where we can reach you in the event you are not home?
John Overcash: My cell phone is actually the best number to call on as I will probably working in my yard. #####18620
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Thanks.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: Your Technician Visit is scheduled for 08/11 between 8am-12pm. The tech will arrive at your home during this timeframe, however the completion of the work may go past 12pm. The Technician Visit will take 1-3 hours so please plan accordingly. Please plan accordingly so that the tech can complete the work as required. Once the work has been completed you will see the charge for $15 on your next statement listed as Technician Visit.
If you need to reschedule, please call 1-800-894-9131 or contact us through the Live Chat link online at least 24 hours in advance to notify us. Someone 18 years or older will need to be present in order for the work to be performed. Your Technician Visit includes a 60 day warranty.
John Overcash: thank you
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: You're welcome.
(04-03-23rfec) Jennifer J.N64: It was a pleasure assisting you today! If you have any more questions you can always go to DISH Satellite TV - $24.99 & HD Free For Life - Why Pay More? or or tune to channel 101 on your TV. You can find simple resolutions for many common receiver or remote issues with these sources. Thank you for being a dish network customer and have a great rest of your day!
Thank you for visiting Dish Network. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.

So we shall see how competent the tech is they send out. Note the "deal" they offered me to migrate to EA. A "free" HD Duo receiver and a $15.00 charge, along with a 24 month commitment, and of course it will cost me $15.00 to send back the now pretty much useless 322 (well not totally, I suppose WA folks can use them as well as folks like my dad that just have SD locals on a 110/119). Now I don't mind paying the $15.00 for a tech visit to fix a problem that very well may be the dish alignment, it has been there several years, and wind and other environmental issues may have caused it to no longer be "perfectly" aligned. But I still, on principal, am not going to pay to migrate to EA since this is at Dish's convenience, not mine. I'm also not that interested in a 24 month commitment either, it's not like I am asking for the upgrade. No I don't think I should get something for nothing, but this is Dish's doing not mine. If cable made upgrades like this they would provide the equipment without any commitment or tech visit charge. I will wait until I get the "letter" that others have mentioned....then we shall see what I must pay for...

Tough call to be sure. You should be receiving the same channels you had before with no added cost or commitment. If indeed the loss of channels had something to do with the change of satellites you'd think Dish should eat the cost of the truck roll at least giving you the benefit of the doubt. But it probably has something to do with the dish needing realignment anyway which as you mentioned could be a result of wind or other event out of Dish's control. At least it's only $15...and your get it resolved, not a major situation for you apparently. Good luck with it!
Tough call to be sure. You should be receiving the same channels you had before with no added cost or commitment. If indeed the loss of channels had something to do with the change of satellites you'd think Dish should eat the cost of the truck roll at least giving you the benefit of the doubt. But it probably has something to do with the dish needing realignment anyway which as you mentioned could be a result of wind or other event out of Dish's control. At least it's only $15...and your get it resolved, not a major situation for you apparently. Good luck with it!

I agree but this is a case of what are you going to do? 36 HD channels spread out amongst the same handful of transponders won't come in. The signal meter shows minimal to no signal quality. All took place immediately after the new sat went on line. It just makes you wonder. Unfortunately I don't know enough about how they place the sat to know if it really could be the sat. How many birds can be in one orbital location? Obviously more than one, but then they aren't all the exact same distance from earth so does that make a dif? Who knows? We shall see after tomorrow. At least i don't have to take an extra day off from work I was already at home tomorrow anyway.

I am getting 61.5° TP 21 at 56%. On the other TP's you mention, I can lock in on them. They all read in the low to mid 40's.

I'd say, yes, you need a peak job.

I also get TP 21 (61.5) highest at around 60%, most others lock, but are at 39-40%!
Basically went through the same snow job, took 3 days just to get someone to say I needed a 'migration' to EA to get channels I was already supposed to be getting. The first 2 csr's insisted I needed a new box because for the life of them they either didn't know what I was saying or were just going through the motions. I've said this before and I'll say it again, no way should that be the customers responsibility.
Basically went through the same snow job, took 3 days just to get someone to say I needed a 'migration' to EA to get channels I was already supposed to be getting. The first 2 csr's insisted I needed a new box because for the life of them they either didn't know what I was saying or were just going through the motions. I've said this before and I'll say it again, no way should that be the customers responsibility.

Technically I do need a EA Migration to receive everything HD that I pay for. My issue with that is I should not have to pay diddley for it as the need was initiated by Dish (the creation of EA and WA and which sats HD is on). It is my understanding that eventually I will get a letter for a free upgrade, at that point I will determine if the "deal" is the right one and make my decisions.

The issue I am having has nothing to do with migrating to EA. This is 36 HD's that I was able to receive on 8/2 and then beginning 8/3 I began to loose signal on the TP's I mentioned. Since we have not had a significant wind storm recently I can only presume that this was caused by something associated with the new sat going on line. I do concede that my dish probably needs peaking as it hasn't been touched for 2 plus years (maybe three) and we do have some pretty strong wind and heavy snow, as well as hot sun. All things that more than likely, over time, can affect the alignment. It just seemed like it was more than a coincidence that it happened now.

DIsh Tech was here. I guess I was lucky as they sent the guy from the local electronics store. Same guy that did my reinstall 4 years ago. He had to raise the dish almost 2 degrees. So either the house has settled that much in 4 years, not a good thing, or I need to be more careful when I clean the snow off the dish in the winter. For the sake of my house I hope it is the later. Still doesn't explain why this happened all of a sudden last week, but it is fixed.

I was just looking at and I guess the reason this may have happened right now is that while all of these sats are in the 61.5 orbital location, they are all not at exactly 61.5 (for obvious reasons), so with the dish needing adjustment the actual location of the new sat was probably just enough different from the one that I was looking at that I lost the affected TPs. Does this make any sense or am I grasping at straws.....

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