And do you calculate that cost per customer based on the market? There's going to be more customers in New York City than in Podunk, IA. Therefore the cost per customer in NYC would be cheaper. Do you think folks in Podunk should pay more than those in NYC?We need to have Congress authorize the FCC to oversee re-transmission. If it has commercial content, it is FREE - no exceptions - on any re-transmission. Accordingly, the re-transmit providers, ie: Dish, Comcast, Cablevision, Direct, et al, should not be allowed to place any kind of a mark-up on re-transmit material - with the exception of recapturing their ACTUAL AVERAGE COST PER CUSTOMER.
Next question... according to your statement above, ALL (ok, 95%+) stations would be subject to this. ESPN has commercials. Disney has commercials, MTV has commercials. So they should be free to the viewers also, right?
Last but not least... what happens once Dish/Direc/Cable reccaptures their cost? Does the subscriber fee go away?