The Advent 760 was my first projector TV. Finally got tired of repairing it and bought an Electrohome projector. That was my last floor mount projector. Had an Epson for awhile and then went 3D with a Sony. I'm on my 3rd Sony Projector now and really love the image.
Just amazed at how prices are, that Advent was thousands back then, probably would be $40,000 in today's dollars, but now, my Optoma Laser Projector that I use in my outdoor theater was $1499.
Love today's world as far as Television goes.
While Netflix keeps raising its prices, I still think it is a bargain as we find new content every evening to watch.
They produce so much, still cannot catch up, also, no where else to get so much content in 4K.
I have quite a few services including YouTube Premium. All things considered, these services are still get more for less money than Dish Network.
You can get the vast majority of content on Live TV with the Hulu Bundle (Hulu, Disney+, ESPN+), Peacock, Paramount, AMC+ and Discovery+ Commercial Free with the exclusive stuff also, your total would only be $50 a month then and that is only if you got all those, I would never get/do not have/do not want AMC and Discovery.
But the best benefit of switching to all IPTV and local broadcast is no rain fade. Here in Florida my Dish Network would go dark every evening when the thunderstorms would roll through
Same issue many years ago in Michigan.
. I even had a 30" dish to increase signal and that didn't help. Bought an AppleTV and 4K Tivo system and don't miss Satellite TV from that day forward.
Rokus and Tablo here.
I could probably drop Starz and Showtime as we hardly ever watch those networks, but Netflix is one of the last I will drop.
What I plan to do is subscribe to Starz one month via Amazon, binge everything I want to watch that is available, cancel, move on to Epix/MGM, move on to AMC+, I will probably do that twice a year for each service.
Showtime I get with my yearly Paramount+, when I added it, the price was only $129 a year for both services.
Price for just Showtime via a provider is $10 a month I believe, so $120 for just Showtime.