Netflix Opts for Blu-Ray High-Def DVDs

Hmm, too bad. Supporting HD-DVD is one of the reasons I have defended Netflix whenever they get bad press. In fact, I was so loyal, I was planning on becoming an early adopter of thier HD VOD STB program when it arrives (and all HD Discs would be irrelevant). I guess I will have to reconsider my alliances...
Looks like I will be dropping Netflix then.
The actual email received by HD-DVD Netflix users:

You're receiving this email because you have asked to receive high-definition movies in the HD DVD format. As you may have heard, most of the major movie studios have recently decided to release their high-definition movies exclusively in the Blu-ray format. In order to provide the best selection of high-definition titles for our members, we have decided to go exclusively with Blu-ray as well.

While we will continue to make our current selection of HD DVD titles available to you for the next several months, we will not be adding additional HD DVD titles or reordering replacements.

Toward the end of February, HD DVDs in your Saved Queue will automatically be changed to standard definition DVDs. Then toward the end of this year, all HD DVDs in your Queue will be changed to standard definition DVDs. Don't worry, we will contact you before this happens.

You can click here to change your format preferences.

We're sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call us at 1 (888) 638-3549.

-The Netflix Team
Here's the actual e-mail I got... :smug

[FONT=arial,helvetica] Dear Allargon,

Your Netflix membership has been cancelled, effective 02/11/2008.

Please return the following titles by their specified due dates:

Due Date Title

02/18/2008 Channels (2007)
02/18/2008 Alpha Dog (2006)
02/18/2008 Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake (Pyotr Ilyich) (2005)
We hope you enjoyed the service and will consider returning some day.

-Your friends at Netflix

What's screwy is that I re-joined Netflix after Blockbuster said they weren't going to expand their HD DVD section. Back to upconversion...

Here's a spin--Warner and Netflix are saving me money for this coming downturn--no Netflix, no HBO, no Cinemax...
I just my email from them. I give them credit for being up front and honest with their customers. I am not sure what to do about my subscription. I will probably wait a few weeks and see what Blockbuster does. HD movies have been slow to arrive anyway, I had a feeling they were holding back until they decided what way to go. This is another tough blow.
It looks like Sony's decision to include Blu-ray in the PS3 was the right choice as far as winning this war, but it could turn out to be puric victory for Sony since their gaming division has been bleeding red ink big time.

Sony thanks you for the VERY back-handed compliment...I think.

SCEA has indeed been losing money, but didn't they turn profitable this holiday season? I think they've done better than Microsoft, which took 6-7+ years to get out of the red (after over 6 billion invested).

The FUD has had a strong hold on the minds of many, it seems. No, the PS3 didn't have a stellar launch, but its rebounding. And the high def disc adoption rate is actually clipping along at a faster pace than DVD, the most successful consumer electronics format launch in hitherto history. Yeah, I found that surprising to.

No, Sony isn't perfect. But they're not quite the deserving pariah they're made out to be. They've been getting 'swift-boated' a LOT this past year.
I will be canceling my membership also. I was contemplating canceling after they did away with the new releases page and now they dropped HD DVD releases which is the only reason that I was staying with them......
Talk about a generic responses:

Best Buy kicks HD DVD while it's down | Tech news blog - CNET

The HD DVD Promotional Group responded with a statement that's strikingly similar to the one issued earlier in the day: "We have long held the belief that HD DVD is the best format for consumers based on quality and value, and with more than 1 million HD DVD players on the market, it's unfortunate to see Netflix make the decision to only stock Blu-ray titles going forward. While the Best Buy announcement says they will recommend Blu-ray, at least they will continue to carry HD DVD and offer consumers a choice at retail."
While the Best Buy announcement says they will recommend Blu-ray, at least they will continue to carry HD DVD and offer consumers a choice at retail.

Translation: at least until we get rid of this stock