Netflix Looking to Take NFL’s Sunday Afternoon Games from Fox and CBS in Next Media Deal

That is only because the current contract ( as have the past ones) allows that.

With a new deal with Netflix, all bets are off.

I spoke to my friend that used to work for them, from what she heard, Netflix wants all the rights, AFC, NFC, day games, night games, playoffs, Super bowl, is willing to pay for it, way above what the Networks will offer.

The NFL is willing, because they believe this will help expand the NFL globally.

By 2029, imagine how many more subscribers Netflix will have here in the United States, compared to Paid Live TV, who would be on Life Support at that point.

Globally, Netflix has 301 Million, about 70 Million in the states.
and commercial rights? netflix has nothing in place to do it on their own.

also will teams push for the rights to sell their own games (at least locally)

Will an lawsuit of the lack of an 1 team lower priced NFL Sunday ticket come? The MLB, NHL, NBA have cheaper one 1 team plans.
Can't wait, Netflix $70 a month ....
Sunday Ticket (with Netflix sub already $700 + 😞 :confused: :(

Why, because they Can and Will, there is No regulations to Stop any of this.

What happens when the NFL prices itself OUT of everyones Price point.
also need plans without sports?
Do we want to streaming to be new cable but with more crap like.
Haveing ESPN forced into 2-4 differnt streaming plans but to get all the content you want need to pay for ESPN 2-3 times vs just 1 time with cable.
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt bills vs just 1 with cable (that you may still need just to get online)
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt UI's vs just maybe 1-2 on cable.
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt max multi steam rules vs just 1 or even unlimited (just pay box fees) on cable. On some steraming can't even pay more to add 1 steam.
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt logins and I hope they don't force 2fa / quick time outs just to view some tv.
Traditional TV has been losing sports content to streaming the last couple of years, along with less and less new scripted content.

Has not slowed down the price increases yet for Cable/Satellite, which are a much higher amounts than the increases for the streaming services.
OK, so less sports isn't lowering cable bills, but more sports can do nothing but raise netflix bills.

World is a lot bigger than just Europe, that is why I believe this Netflix story has legs, since they reach almost everywhere, which is what the NFL has been wanting for a long time.
Annnd now we can export our sports gouging around the globe
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also need plans without sports?
Do we want to streaming to be new cable but with more crap like.
Haveing ESPN forced into 2-4 differnt streaming plans but to get all the content you want need to pay for ESPN 2-3 times vs just 1 time with cable.
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt bills vs just 1 with cable (that you may still need just to get online)
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt UI's vs just maybe 1-2 on cable.
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt max multi steam rules vs just 1 or even unlimited (just pay box fees) on cable. On some steraming can't even pay more to add 1 steam.
haveing to deal with 2-4 differnt logins and I hope they don't force 2fa / quick time outs just to view some tv.

Much of this can be mitigated for those actually sensitive to any of this. I anchor all my ancillaries to Prime, for example. 1 bill, 1 UI. Chromecast and other streaming devices also serve as a unifying UI as well in many cases. Also, we access programming on 7 TVs, even remotely making a case for box fees is equal parts sad and hilarious.

Regardless of what ends up happening, it's on Netflix to right-size their offerings that makes sense for their customers - or they'll leave. Pretty simple.
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Much of this can be mitigated for those actually sensitive to any of this. I anchor all my ancillaries to Prime, for example. 1 bill, 1 UI. Chromecast and other streaming devices also serve as a unifying UI as well in many cases. Also, we access programming on 7 TVs, even remotely making a case for box fees is equal parts sad and hilarious.

Regardless of what ends up happening, it's on Netflix to right-size their offerings that makes sense for their customers - or they'll leave. Pretty simple.
Who wants boxes at all their sets? At least streaming doesn't force that, unlike DiSH
Well, it kinda does ....
You need a Roku or a Firestick on each TV (unless you just use what the TV supplies)
Yeah, even if your SmartTV's UI don't suck today, they will in a few years. That's part of the point of them -- to slow down over time and become buggy so you have to buy a new TV periodically. Also, they harvest data about what you watch to subsidize the price of the TV. In the case of Roku TVs (and probably others), they show you ads when you pause the video.
I didn't see this article posted ...
Also mentioned, Another Take ...
It's just another opinion, just like the other 10,000 peoples opinions.
Except Netflix is on record saying they are looking at carrying Sunday's games, they did not say NFC or AFC, just Sunday.

Second, there is no way they would give up games to the networks, because no matter your plan, there are going to be commercials, which means more revenue for Netflix.
And it's affordable. If I'm forced to pay $50 a month for Netflix because they corner the market on the NFL, I'll drop my sub immediately
i've already downgraded to the 7.99 netflix plan because the current ad-free/4k plan is obscene now for the level of content i watch on netflix. No way would i want to pay more.

Also, there's a max audience. at some point you approach max saturation and there's no more subscribers to be had. i can't imagine there are too many people in the US that don't already have netflix that having football will cause them to be first time subs. i am thinking this is less about getting new subs and more about retaining old subs and not having to develop new "original content" to maintain those subs.
i've already downgraded to the 7.99 netflix plan because the current ad-free/4k plan is obscene now for the level of content i watch on netflix. No way would i want to pay more.

Also, there's a max audience. at some point you approach max saturation and there's no more subscribers to be had.
Netflix is no where near that, there are still 2 Billion Households globally, that does not have Netflix.

Just last quarter, added 20 Million subs, 39 Million for the year.

i can't imagine there are too many people in the US that don't already have netflix that having football will cause them to be first time subs.
60 Million Households ( out of 131 Million) in the United States, do not subscribe to Netflix.

i am thinking this is less about getting new subs and more about retaining old subs and not having to develop new "original content" to maintain those subs.
Actually, having the NFL, might get that older crowd, that says Traditional TV is enough for them, I would assume they are part of that 60 Million Households that do not subscribe.
OK, so less sports isn't lowering cable bills, but more sports can do nothing but raise netflix bills.

Annnd now we can export our sports gouging around the globe
Netflix is over rated. I spend over $25.42 a month for HD version of their service and my parents are on my account. I rarely even watch Netflix. If it becomes a sports oriented service and the prices continue to inflate, I will cut this out quickly. I have NO interest in sports at all and I do not want to pay for them, after years of being forced bundled with regular programming. :mad:
I used to sub 5-6 yrs ago when Netflix still had the Marvel series. I dropped it when Daredevil S3 was over and they cancelled the entire deal with Disney. I have no intention of resubbing even for the NFL. My sister has it now, for the first time just because it and HBO/Max were included with her Verizon home internet last month.
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the NFL will force that (at least for local team markets) and also resell to everpass / joe hand promotions
The NFL does not care if they are shown in a local market or not, they care about the billions they would receive from Netflix.

If they cared about the Networks and local broadcast, they would not be taking the option to get out of the contracts with them.

By 2030, when the new contract takes affect, the Networks/Cable Channels will be in a world of hurt, due to cord cutting, per sub fees greatly reduced, advertising revenue that has moved over to streaming.

It is quite doubtful, they would be able to afford what the NFL will be asking for.

MLB Streaming

FOX is going to offer a streaming service
