Netflix going up even more, doubt it'll help long waits. The 3 out at time I had with BR was $21, now itll be $24. Sheesh.
That's why I dropped bluray. By my calculations that's a 14% price hike. No thank you.
Netflix going up even more, doubt it'll help long waits. The 3 out at time I had with BR was $21, now itll be $24. Sheesh.
I don't see that streaming costs extra anywhere...
There is a one disc out at a time one, that doesn't include streaming.
mdram, if you find a contact email, I'd appreciate if you could post it here. I've scoured the website and can't find anything but a phone number. Thanks.
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Netflix game plan is to reduce availability of DVD and BD mail out media and go all streaming in 2011. They have determined that is a far greater profit picture for their future. ( Personally, I think it all depends on the outcome of Net Neutrality debate ) If the ISP's are allowed to charge premium data rates to the media streaming businesses, in addition to the users, we could see people realizing that downloading media content is too expensive vs. renting a DVD. Do not judge the streaming quality limitations based on today's technology. Netflix content will become more and more HD DD5.1 available as the calendar advances. One thing is certain, we're in a transition right now but the direction for the future is a desire to go all streaming. In 10 years I think you will find availability of DVD and BD media about as prolific as you see VHS tapes today!