Netflix: House of Cards

Yes, great series. Though I have read there are doubts about a third season.
Netflix is sticking with House of Cards. A few weeks ahead of the Emmy-winning drama's sophomore debut on the streaming service, it has been given the official green light for a third season.

YEA! one of the best TV series I've seen. Add Alpha House on Amazon. These services keep producing shows like these and the Networks should start to worry.
I still have 3 episodes to go in Season 1 and then I will roll right into season 2. I'm pleasantly surprised to find HBO quality series included in my $8 Netflix subscription.
Anyone watch the original British version?
Starts out a bit hard to follow and seems dry compared to the American version which I'd just seen.
If you have a choice, watch the UK version first.
Some just won't be able to choke it down.
Watch with a friend. :)
But if you can get into it, you might enjoy as much as I did. :up
I finished season one and watched the first two episodes of season two over the weekend. There have already been some pretty big plot twists just two episodes in. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this season.
I really like the Netflix model of dumping the whole season on us at once. It really lets you watch at your own pace. If you only have time to watch one episode a week like the traditional model, great you can do that. If you are hooked on House of Cards and want to watch the entire season in two days you can do that too. I love not having to wait a week for the next episode. If I have time to watch TV now I want to watch it now.
Yeah. They dumped HoC and Burn Notice on the same day. That means we need to use some discipline at our house to avoid viewer overload :)
I'm in the process of rewatching season 1, just forgot too much & this will help bring me up to speed for season 2.
Yup Frank is a SOB & Claire is pretty cold IMO also.
I have only watched half of the first season.

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very addictive

S02E01 really kicks off the new season.
I admit I wanted to review the previous season, but I got right up to speed on the major points.
This is a series you will want to watch without a season break, if possible.
I even found myself staying up an extra hour for episodes with "dangling" endings. :)

Vice TV absolutely sucks

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