Make sure to configure Netflix with its own CC option. The Hopper CC will not work.Closed Caption does not work for me when getting Netflix via the Hopper app. Am missing something or does everyone have this issue?
Make sure to configure Netflix with its own CC option. The Hopper CC will not work.Closed Caption does not work for me when getting Netflix via the Hopper app. Am missing something or does everyone have this issue?
No.Will I be able to record a Netflix show to my DVR and transfer it to my iPad to watch offline? That is something to get excited about.
I finally figured that out after numerous times of hitting cancel. It still doesn't show the time though. I have to turn all the way around in my chair and look at the clock on the wall behind me to get the time. That's unacceptable.Hit "pause" ?
Do the cable companies have a Netflix app on their set-tops ?I don't get why Dish and Direct dont put the clock and channel number on the front of the receiver like cable company boxes do.
I hadn't noticed Pandora was on the Joey. I tried to connect to Pandora but got a message saying I needed a Hopper Internet connector, or broadband connection. Do I need to configure the Hopper or Joey differently for it to work?The Pandora app is on the Joey. Some have an issue with the pandora app resetting the Joey after playing about 45 minutes but is does work nicely. Netflix is supposed to be coming to the Joeys at some point.
I hadn't noticed Pandora was on the Joey. I tried to connect to Pandora but got a message saying I needed a Hopper Internet connector, or broadband connection. Do I need to configure the Hopper or Joey differently for it to work?
I have no trouble with watching on demand on the Joey. So I assumed it was bridged.Sounds like you need to enable bridging on the Hopper so that the Joeys can stream. I was always nervous about the amount of network traffic and slow Joey performance so I have left bridging off . . . but I have no evidence that bridging actually slows things down.