Netflix blu-ray price premium to become reality

Well, I posted a few weeks ago that Roku is looking to expand what it's unit can do. Going beyond just netflix.
I bounced back and forth between Netflix and Blockbuster and opened and closed my Netlix account several times in the past year. But now that I have a Netflix Roku box I won't be dropping them again. I'd prefer to drop my movie package with DTV (Premier) and just rely on Netflix once there is more BD available in general and Roku kicks up to HD output. I don't care if they charge a little more, as long as I can get my value back from it by saving elsewhere and still get my movie fix.

What's the PQ like on your 57" Mitsu? Does it pixilate/marcoblock at all? I've heard some people have that problem with the larger screen sizes when streaming Netflix via PC, but it just may be their computer and Internet speed that's the problem.

What does the Roku box output at 480i, 480p, or does it offer an upconvert option? I'm seriously looking into one of these. For $100 it's practically a no brainer.
What's the PQ like on your 57" Mitsu? Does it pixilate/marcoblock at all? I've heard some people have that problem with the larger screen sizes when streaming Netflix via PC, but it just may be their computer and Internet speed that's the problem.

What does the Roku box output at 480i, 480p, or does it offer an upconvert option? I'm seriously looking into one of these. For $100 it's practically a no brainer.
I'm just waiting on that next Xbox Dashboard update when we get that functionality in the fall on our 360s.
The Plot Thickens...

Details of Netflix's Blu-ray premium emerges: $1.00 per month - Engadget HD

FWIW, I've only recently started getting BD's off of Netflix, and of the few movies I have got from them, all of them were available immediately, and this past week I had Top Gun in my queue for it to come out and a slot opened up on release date and it shipped that day. Maybe there aren't a lot of BD users here in New England. I hope it stays that way. ;p
Should be tiered, heavier users (5 out vs 1out) should pay a little more. Everyone paying a buck is not as fair. That being said, Im on the 3 out, no biggie to me.
Oh, screw it. It's not $1 for me, it's $2 for my bare minimum account.

If you guys want to check what the price will be, go to your account, remove blu-ray access and then re-add it.
Just talked to customer serivce, it's $2 across the board, New members $1 for the 1st month, $2 each additional month due to the 2 week free trial new members get. Make sense.

But I don't think I can stomach a 22% increase.
As a one-at-a-timer, I'll definitely write a letter of complaint when it hits my cc bill next month. Hopefully many others will follow suit and they'll drop it to $1 at least for the 1 and 2 plan, if not the three... then there's always going back to BB, assuming they aren't up to the same shennanigans.
Zookster, why not call and complain too?

I actually got a call back from netflix on my call. They seemed confused on why I was getting charged already as "it should not be in the system" I told them that I dropped blu-ray access and added it to see what the price premium would be for me since I saw over at Engadget that the premium pricing had started.

They just seemed lost on how I knew I was getting a premium charged, but their only response to me was "well, you can always just rent regular DVD's and not do blu-rays" I said "yes, true, or I could cancel my membership" They didn't like that and offerred to look into some "possibilities" for me. Whatever that means. I don't know if I'll hear back.

I'm more surprised they actually called me back on the issue.

*wow, I just went to check out blockbuster, I added all netflix movies to my blockbuster queue (kind of nice you can do that with a deactivated sub). Anyways, of the 32 blu-rays I put in the blockbuster list, only TWO are showing as available. All the rest are Short or long wait.
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I was looking forward to XStream would be offering. But with D* & E* both doing HD VOD, XStream may have a problem.

This means my Netflix will go up to 16.97 (2 out). And I average 4-6 a month depending on how long a wait I have with Netflix.

Does the PS3 have a HD video rental system? That seems like a logical move for Sony.

Seems like I/we need to look at all our options and see what's the best bang for the bucks.