Hang on...I am NOT against you but money talks in this situation
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SatelliteGuys app!
Sure. I didn't necessarily think you wanted things one way or another. I took your posts as what you expect to happen based on your analysis of the situation. IMHO, the great thing about SCOTUS is they aren't for sale, unlike seemingly the rest of the government -- conservative, liberal, or otherwise. While I sometimes disagree with rulings, I try to understand the basis of the decisions and think about how they are likely to behave in upcoming cases. Given they refused to hear the NN case in November 2018, less than a year ago, makes me think there is a decent chance the same thing will happen this time around.
If I seem a jaded about how ISPs are getting what they deserve, it is because I had the misfortune to be involved in one of the earliest "traffic shaping" discussions with a rather large Telecom and an equipment provider back around 2000. I worked for the (now defunct) equipment provider, which also happens to have the initials NN.

The Telecom wanted our software designers to bake in traffic management features that broke all the unwritten rules of TCP/IP. Eventually, my company said no, and the Telecom went with someone else (Juniper?) for their MAN routers instead. Knowing what they wanted in 2000, and likely what else they've added since, doesn't give me the best opinion of the motivations of that company in particular and the industry in general. QoS is one thing, but using DPI to make decisions in real time about the value of a packet is another, especially some of the options include mucking with the TCP Window Size in-flight and "dropping the packets on the floor." Anyway, that seemed/seems like pretty shady behavior, when all people want is a dumb pipe. NN eventually sold equipment with those features, but by then I was working in Big Pharma, so I wasn't involved.
My current ISP (AT&T Fiber) clearly has traffic rules in place to discourage out-of-home streaming, like Dish Anywhere and Fire TV Recast Streaming. I have instituted countermeasures, but it shouldn't be necessary. I could switch to Spectrum and it may work better, but I'd pay more, get less upload speed, and my path to my current employer's VPN endpoint would have considerably more latency.