Net Flix streaming movies to TV

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SatelliteGuys Family
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Pub Member / Supporter
Apr 12, 2005
Has anyone received an email from netflix selling a receiver for $99 that will stream about 12000 movies directly from them over your high speed connection with features like pause fast forward and LG will sell a blue ray model in the fall.they said they will in the future stream high def movies.there will be no extra cost to the monthly price you pay now.
Go look at Netflix and see the movies that are available. Its probably movies you dont want to watch anyway.
I have not received an email on it, but I have one of the boxes. it's great and we use it ALOT. Had it for 2 months or so now.

Many good (many awful) movies available, not brand new releases if that's what you are thinking, but many 2007-2008 stuff is available. I've found LOTS of hidden gems though and caught up and got into many TV series that are available.

Here's a link here on satguys on the unit (ROKU).
Unit works great. Some movies have surround sound, all have DVD quality picture if available (some movies are just bad transfers).

There's also talk in the future that Roku is going to have more then Netflix service available, for example, Hulu and similar.
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