This all just seems ridiculously overblown. It's a satellite dish. There are a number of outstanding, unanswered questions, and a few discrepancies, but the core issue seems simple enough. Yes, there could be ramifications, and yes, they should be clarified before moving further. But there is nothing illegal or ultimately unwise about sharing a satellite dish antenna (and he could probably manage to get DirecTV to throw in a free protection plan on his account to cover any unlikely potential problems). Any landlord that has allowed one dish is almost certainly going to be amenable to allowing tenants to share one antenna rather than allow a proliferation of dishes.
With a few minutes of clarification, this could have been win-win-win-win (poster gets free protection plan, DirecTV gets a new customer, new customer gets service apparently without line-of-sight, and landlord adds a perk for residents with minimal dish proliferation). Instead, everybody appears to be acting in ignorance and selfishness, and nobody wins.
In an apartment building, you don't get good fences, so you ought to do whatever else you can to make good neighbords. The original poster didn't, and with some encouragement here (cutting cables, calling police, Judge Judy), he seems to be on a path to escalate the situation negatively.
The police would take your report and place it in File 13. Judy Judy would be annoyed by the trivialness and lack of goodwill.