I will agree with you 100% on that statement. If we could get only 1/2 that effort on everything we purchase all products would soon become great......I haven't said much about the ASC1 lately.....You have seen all the efforts to resolve the issue. But I am using an ASC1 for the past couple of months with absolutely no count errors. And let me tell you why. Because while many people were quick to give up on the ASC1 and Brian Gohl and I was one, He never gave up on us. That simple, Brian never gave up on us. The hoops that man has jumped through to make the ASC1 worthy is incredible. But he did and it is! I can say now the ASC1 is the unit I always wanted it to be.
So much time has gone by now that all I can remember is going through many different "functions" to make the ASC-1 work with my equipment. But, and that is a big but, even if it did work without any problems, there was a good chance I may have removed it anyway. Call it lazy if one wants to but for the about three weeks it was in use, I would sit down, glance over in that direction and realize I could not see what satellite I was on. With the BIG numbers on the GBox, it was a quick glance and I could tell instantly. With the ASC-1 I would have to get up and walk over, get close, and read what satellite I was on......RT-Cat, if you still have the ASC1, would you like to test the final beta on soon to be released ASC1 firmware? The testers have indicated excellent results with switch bounce, coasting counts and line noise.
The code has been rewritten to provide increased compatibility with problematic linear actuators and AJAK HH motors. It also addresses the repeat DiSEqC command strings issued by some STBs during loss of signal events or when surfing a satellite list.
Also was curious if you ever checked for voltage potential on the wires coming in from the dish. Since the Gbox and Vboxes are not grounded, this issue is often masked.
Greatly appreciate the offer on the beta test of the new firmware. Really don't have the time to do so now. As soon as this is posted I need to get out to the woodshop, finish a project so I can get it installed in a house in town the go on to the next. There just isn't enough time to play after you retire......