Need locals, VOOM, and internationals 110/119/129 + 148?


Original poster
Dec 6, 2003
Currently I subscribe to AT120 (110/119), HD Pack (110), So. Cal locals (119), CBS-HD (148), and international channels (148).

The Dish CSR added VOOM HD to my package but neglected to mention I couldn't receive them with my current setup.

I have 4 receivers and would like to know how to add the 129 bird for VOOM. I have a SW64 switch (and possibly a SW21) currently, but am not familiar with the exact setup or how the switches work.

Would I be better off swinging the 148 over to 61.5 to get VOOM + internation but lose CBS-HD? Or do I replace my Dish 500 (110/119) with a Dish 1000? I have a second dish pointed at the 148.

My understanding is you can't receive 61.5 easily from Southern California.

The internationals on 148 is mirrored on 61.5 so you're OK there
They might have an issue with giving you CBSHD East but tell them you want Voom and then they should switch it over for you :)
Tried and failed to pick up the 61.5 bird. What's the cheapest way to go to D1000 setup? I will need to replace the SW64 and other splitter I imagine.
I just had this type of setup done for myself last week.

Swapped out a Dish 500 for a Dish 1000 and kept my Dish 300 pointing at the 148. The four LNB's are running through two DPP-44 switches which feed six drops in my house. The Voom channels come in clear as a bell. I have 90" aerial to pick up HD in Los Angeles, but keeping the setup as above you'll get CBS-HD from the 148 with no problem as well as keeping the internationals on the 148.

At least that's how *I* had it done.

Iceberg said:
They might have an issue with giving you CBSHD East but tell them you want Voom and then they should switch it over for you
I don't think they're allowed to give West Coasters (or Mountainers) the CBS-HD East feed anymore. So he'll likely need to keep 148 for the CBS-HD feed.
Dish Network told me I was not eligble to get a Dish 1000 because I am not in their "must carry" areas. Being in LA, I get all my locals on 119.

I can't even PAY charlie to get a Dish 1000, since they will only put it on new installs? Looks like I'm SOL, since I'm not paying $100 (dish 1000) + $40 (dish pro LNB for my 148 bird) + $200 (DPP-44 switch) + wasted day = $340 to receive VOOM channels.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.
oktane said:
Dish Network told me I was not eligble to get a Dish 1000 because I am not in their "must carry" areas. Being in LA, I get all my locals on 119.

I can't even PAY charlie to get a Dish 1000, since they will only put it on new installs? Looks like I'm SOL, since I'm not paying $100 (dish 1000) + $40 (dish pro LNB for my 148 bird) + $200 (DPP-44 switch) + wasted day = $340 to receive VOOM channels.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.
Edit: Nah, looking again, you want more than just the dish. You would need everything in your list to get VOOM on all 4 receivers. Maybe you could get by with the Dish 1000 to 2 HD sets, and use the existing setup for two SD sets.
oktane said:
Dish Network told me I was not eligble to get a Dish 1000 because I am not in their "must carry" areas. Being in LA, I get all my locals on 119.
There's 3 locals on 148/129...but since you already have the 2nd dish you can't use that theory

I can't even PAY charlie to get a Dish 1000, since they will only put it on new installs? Looks like I'm SOL, since I'm not paying $100 (dish 1000) + $40 (dish pro LNB for my 148 bird) + $200 (DPP-44 switch) + wasted day = $340 to receive VOOM channels.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

You could always "make your own Dish1000" :)
People done that before (me included).......but the question is how many HD receivers do you have?

If you had only one receiver to use HD for, you could always use the SW21 switch on the one output of the SW64 to get you 110, 119, 129, 148.
I only have 1 HDTV receiver. How do I "roll my own" Dish 1000? So If I take the SW64 output, I can put that into the SW21, along with one arm of a dual LNB for 129?

119/110/148 ---> SW64---->
                                         SW21  ---> Dish 6000 receiver
            129 -------------->
For what it is worth I have/had the same problem.

I was pointing to 110/119 and 148 (Medford, Oregon Locals.) I ended up moving the dish pointed at 148 to 129, this allowed me to ge Voom but I lost my locals. Luckly I still had most of the LA Networks from an old waiver (except for NBC.)

I would like to get my old locals back, but as far as I can tell I will need another (3rd) dish and a 4 port switch. (I have a DP34 now.)

Does anyone know haw they are planning on letting people get Voom without loosing the locals that are not carried on 129?

What about a D1000 and a 34 switch. I have a D1000 kit still in a box with LNB's Iceberg, would a D1000 with a DPP Twin and DP dual work with the D500 for the 148 into a 34 switch.
I'd lose my international channels on 148......

The DP34 switch wouldn't work with legacy boxes, correct?
kstitt said:
For what it is worth I have/had the same problem.

I was pointing to 110/119 and 148 (Medford, Oregon Locals.) I ended up moving the dish pointed at 148 to 129, this allowed me to ge Voom but I lost my locals. Luckly I still had most of the LA Networks from an old waiver (except for NBC.)

I would like to get my old locals back, but as far as I can tell I will need another (3rd) dish and a 4 port switch. (I have a DP34 now.)


you would need a DPP44 switch...or you could cascade a DP21 off one of the ports of the DP34 switch (same way as the OP did his)

Does anyone know haw they are planning on letting people get Voom without loosing the locals that are not carried on 129?
you would probably have to pay for the Dish...maybe (I honestly dont know) but you would need a Dish1000 and a Dish300 for your locals (or 3 dishes)
wobbie said:
What about a D1000 and a 34 switch. I have a D1000 kit still in a box with LNB's Iceberg, would a D1000 with a DPP Twin and DP dual work with the D500 for the 148 into a 34 switch.
The DP34 and DPP Twin can not be used together. You can swap the DPP Twin for a DP Twin.
oktane said:
My understanding is you can't receive 61.5 easily from Southern California.

I live Southern California (near Dodger Stadium) and have never had problems picking up 61.5. I was a former Voom customer who migrated to Dish. Never even suffered rain fade after Voom upgraded me to a 24" dish. Had no problem getting Dish to add CBSHD East.

microroyal SW-44 compatibility??

Any techs with dual tuner receivers.....?

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