I am going on ym 6th R15 reciever in 18 months, usually th ereciever looses one of it's recievers. Now I am not so sure the problem is not in the cables. I just put in a replacement R15 yesterday, all works fine, today while watching TV I change channels and bang, error searching for signal on SAT 1. I go to setup and check the signal strength, both tuners show no signal at all. I unplug reboot, nothing stuck on searching for sat on power up. I brought the reciever to my neighbors no problems. I have two runs of 100 feet RG6U cable. I did notive with (when its working signal strength of 95/96. I did notice the antenna and cables where not grounded anywhere. Could the voltage on the antenna lines be marginal and thus causing the tuners to not be able to see any signal at times? I'm confused how they can work for one minute the just loose all signal the next.